Onew: You're My Medicine

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A/N: Warning some smut...Thank you so much for voting reading and commenting I really hope you enjoy this chapter... Please forgive me for any mistakes I'm sure I probably missed a few.


Onew was glad that Key was no longer going to the Main House, he wanted to avoid having a problem with Jonghyun. As they walked back home he held on to Key's hand , no words were needed between them; they both knew were they were heading and what they were going to do. Onew was nervous, he knew that what he was about to do could cause him and Key harm; his heart began to beat in an unsteady pace, as his hands began to feel slightly clammy. He wanted to run, he knew that it was the right thing to do. Just as he was about to let go of his hand, he took one look at Key's face and his heart stopped. Key's face looked luminescent in the moonlight, his smile shined brighter than any star. As their eyes met; he once again realized how much he loved and needed him. Key was his light against the darkness, his  warmth against the cold, just being by his side made him feel better.

"Are you alright?", Key asked him before they entered the house.

"I'm okay why?".

"You seem a bit dazed.",he commented.

"I'm just a  bit nervous.", he confessed.

"It'll be fine, as long as we're quiet no one will wake up.", he stated as he slowly opened the house door and walked inside.

The house was dark and dead silent, nothing could be heard but their footsteps. Onew followed Key to his bedroom as he then quietly sat on the bed. "What are you doing?".

Key grabbed a few blankets and comforters from his closet,"Wait for me right here, don't leave.", he instructed as he exited his bedroom.

Onew felt anxious as he waited for him, he was beginning to have seconds thoughts. He knew if he stayed it was going to be harder to say goodbye to Key, once he left to the Main House to be with Jonghyun like he promised. He figured it would be less painful for Key if he left now, instead of later on; just when he was about to leave Key walked back into the bedroom.

"You weren't thinking about leaving were you?",he asked as he saw Onew near the door; the smile on his face quickly faded away.

Onew's worries,concerns, and fears, went away as soon as he saw Key. Even though he wanted to leave a few seconds ago, he now wanted to stay more than anything. "I'm not going anywhere.".

"Good.", he hugged him, as he then grabbed his hand,"Come, let's go somewhere more private.".

"What could be more private than your bedroom?", he asked as he followed him out of the room.

"My studio, no one has the keys to it but me.", Key smiled at him as he took out his keys and unlocked the door,"I know it may not be as comfortable as the bed in my bedroom, but my studio is a bit more intimate. No one will disturb us here.".

Onew walked into the room and smiled, he was glad to see that Key was still designing clothes. "Your designs are amazing as always.", he sat down on the pile of comforters and blankets; that Key tried to make into a bed.

"Thank you.", Key locked his studio door as he then sat down besides him,"I just wish my studio was a little bit bigger, that way I wouldn't have to pile my stuff on top of each other.".

Onew was able to easily notice the sadness in Key's voice,"You miss the studio you used to have in the Main House, don't you?".

"Yes, I was able to do more there.", he answered,"We had a lot of memories there, to bad it's all gone now.".

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