Taemin: Secret Lover

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A/N: Thank you for reading, commenting and voting, I hope you enjoy this chapter... Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes I typed late at night again...habits are hard to break


Taemin was completely breathless, he stood there stunned; starring at Kai. A tinge of red was clearly visible on Kai's cheeks, a sly smile forming on his lips. He would have never imagined that Kai would kiss him.The taste of mint lingered in his mouth; reminding him that a few seconds ago he had kissed him and enjoyed it. It was all purely physical attraction, Kai was a handsome man that clearly knew how to work his tongue. Kai traced Taemin's jaw line with his index finger slightly lifting his face to meet his. Taemin felt his hot breath on his lips, closing his eyes in anticipation.    

"Taemin we need to talk.".

Taemin opened his eyes when he heard Luna's voice, he glared at her,"What do you want? Can you see I'm busy?".

"As a matter of fact yes. Actually the whole school can see you're busy.", Luna replied.

Taemin rolled his eyes in annoyance,"If that is what you wanted to tell me than run along. It isn't yours or anyone else's business.".

"Not even Minho's?".

Taemin was caught off guard when he heard Minho's name, he had never kissed anyone before besides him; he looked over at Kai, guilt quickly began to resonate within him. He felt his throat was shut; he tried to speak but no words came out.  

"Minho saw you kissing this jackass, and left home.", she sighed,"I hope this kiss was worth it.".

"First of all I am not a jackass.", Kai defended himself, "I have no problem with you, the problem between Minho and I; stays between him and I. So please respect me like I respect you.".

"Sorry.", she apologized,"I won't take anymore of your time.".

"Kai I'll be right back.", Taemin said as he tried to follow Luna.

Kai grabbed him by arm preventing him from leaving,"Minho is fine don't worry about him. He's a big boy he can take care himself.".

"Please let go of me.", he said as he tried to free himself from his grasp, "I really need to go talk to her.".

"Why do you care so much about Minho? Do you like him?".

"That is none of your business.", Taemin yelled getting annoyed,"This is my last warning let go of my arm.".

Kai sighed, letting go of his arm."Taemin I like you. I know Minho is your friend but trust me you don't want to get involved with him.".

"I can get involved with whoever I want. I thought you said that your problems with Minho were only between you two. Keep me out of them.", he yelled. Taemin heard Kai called his name several times, but he ignored him. He walked hectically around campus looking for Luna, finally spotting her in the school's roof top."You know students are not allowed up here.".

"Then why are you up here?".

Taemin sighed; he had never met a person who could pierce through his thick skin in a matter of seconds like she did. Luna annoyed him beyond believe but unfortunately for him he needed her to get to were Minho was; since he lack sense of direction."I need you to take me to Amber's house.".

"Why so you can hurt Minho more?", her voice was sharp, almost full of venom.

"He hurt me first, besides this is none of your business.", he defended himself.

"Why were you kissing Kai?", she questioned him,"If you like Minho why were you kissing Kai?".

"Who said I like Minho? All I said was that I needed to talk to him.", he stated not wanting her to know about his and Minho previous relationship."Are you going to take me or not?".

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