Minho: Jealousy

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A/N: Sorry for the late update, I had internet problems. Thank you for voting and commenting. Sorry for any mistakes I typed this late at night anyways enjoy...


Minho face cringe in pain as Amber attended to his wounds."Thank you Amber.".

"Don't mention it.", she sighed; placing her hand under his chin, forcing him to look at her. "What were you thinking? Where you planing to hit Jonghyun?".

Minho pushed her hand aside and stood,"No unfortunately I can't, but he deserves to get hit. You saw what he did to Taemin.".

"Minho you can't show any kind affection towards Taemin in front of Jonghyun.", she stated,"I don't want you two to end up like Key and Onew.".

"I did nothing wrong. Besides Taemin and I are different, we're just friends.",he defended himself.

"Minho, I know for a fact that you have feelings for Taemin, and I'm almost certain that he feels the same way.", she sighed,"You two need to be more careful, I don't want you to get hurt.". 

"I'm not going to get hurt okay.", he walked out the door; irritated that Amber was able to figure out his feelings for Taemin. 

"Are you alright?", Luna asked.

"I'm fine.", he responded as he sat on the couch,"How's Key?".

"Well when he found out about Mr.Bunny he locked himself up in his room and hasn't came out.", she informed him; sitting beside him.

"It's the cat's fault. We should have never freed him.", he stated.

"His name is Ryeowook and he did nothing wrong.", she defended him.

"It's thanks to him that Jonghyun hit Taemin.", he said,"It's also thanks to him that Onew is locked up.".

"I'm sorry.",Ryeowook walked in over hearing their conversation.

"I'm sorry! That's all you have to say?". Minho normally calm and pleasant demeanor slowly changed; his face contorted,consumed with anger.

"I didn't want any of this to happen. I'm sorry.', he apologized again.

He stood up and faced him,"It's all thanks to you that Taemin and Onew are suffering.".

"I'm aware of that and I'm sorry.", he sighed,"I had no idea Onew was going to give up his freedom for me; and the last person that I would ever want to hurt is Taemin.".

Minho close his hands into a tight fist; remembering a conversation he had with Taemin. 

"The cat?",Minho asked,"Please don't tell me you got near the cat."

"I did Minho and he is nothing like Jonghyun described him. He seems nice and its taking care of Onew hyung.", Taemin informed him.

"Since when do you care so much about Taemin? Since when are you two close?", Minho asked. 

"I'm not close to anyone, I barely know him.", he answered.

Minho could tell Ryeowook was hiding something by the way he fidgeted and avoided eye contact. Minho whole body began to shake; consumed with anger and jealousy. "Stay away from Taemin.", he yelled knocking him down to the ground; with a punch. Minho hunched over Ryeowook, holding him by his shirt; repeatedly punching him.

"Minho! Minho stop!", Luna begged unable to get close to him,"Key! Amber! Help!".

Amber rushed over,"Minho please stop.", Amber begged as she tried to separate them but failed.  

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