Onew: Fearful

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A/N: Thank you for reading, commenting,voting and subscribing, I truly appreciate it... I am really sorry for updating so late, some unexpected things came up. Also please forgive me for any spelling/grammar mistakes I typed this late at night, I hope you enjoy this chapter... 


Onew eyelids felt heavy as he blinked several times, his vision was blurred. The light coming from the window brightly illuminated the whole room, causing him to close his eyes again.  His mouth felt dry, like there was a lump on his throat. His whole body felt weak; his chest rose and fell rapidly as he slightly struggled to breath. He slowly opened his eyes again, trying his hardest to keep them opened, his eyes scanned over the whole room. Fear overtook him when he realized he was in Key's bedroom. He didn't know how he got there all he knew was that he had to leave. Onew got out of bed only managing to walk a few steps before he collapse on to the floor. He winced as a single tear streamed down his cheek,"Stay away from me, don't come near me!.".

Key cradled Onew in his arms,"You still have a fever.", he commented with a pout as he tried to remove Onew's shirt.

"Stay away from me, I don't want you to get sick.", he coughed as he tried to free himself from Key's grasp but was to weak to do so.

"I don't care if I get sick, we'll be sick together.", Key leaned in pressing his lips against his; giving him several small kisses. "Lift up your arms.", he instructed him as he continued to try to remove his shirt.

Onew tightly held on to his shirt,"No, I'm cold.", he shivered.

"You need to take a shower it would make you feel better.", he informed him as he started to remove Onew's pants.

"Take me back to the Main House I need to go back to the Main house.". Onew said.

"There's no way you're going back to the Main House or anywhere.", Key said as he finally managed to remove all of Onew's clothes.

Onew coughed,"I can't stay here, I need to go back. I don't want you or anyone else to get hurt because of me.".

"You're delirious, you don't know what you're saying.", Key turned on the water; helping him into the shower as he began to wash him.

The water slowly warmed his body as it hit his skin. The lukewarm water formed steam as he stood there without moving at all. Onew's body felt less tense, having Key's soft gentle hands roam his body as he washed him; soothe him. He hadn't felt this good in a long time . The past few days that he spent in Ryeowook's home prison had been hard on him; he didn't wish that kind of pain and humiliation on anyone. 

"Do you feel better?", Key asked his fingers met Onew's hair. 

Onew simply nodded without saying a word; he just stood there blankly starring down at his feet.

"Onew are you alright?", Key asked as he turned of the water and began to dry him. 

"I need to go back to the Main House.", he repeated.

"You really must be sick.", Key said as he handed Onew some of his clothes. "Change into this, I'm going to get your medication.".

Onew pulled back as Key tried to kiss him.

"Don't worry about me getting sick, I'll be okay.", Key kissed him in the cheek before leaving.

Tears streamed down Onew face as soon as Key felt the room . He never thought that he would be here with Key it made him feel safe, but he knew if he stayed it wouldn't last long. Jonghyun would destroy everything like he always did. Onew began to shake with fear as he vividly started to remember being in the Main House with Jonghyun. 

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