Key: A Boar and a Dog

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A/N:Thank you for reading, voting and commenting I really appreciate it. 


"You should have gone with them if you were going to be in a bad mood.", Key told Minho as he drove.

"I'm not in a bad mood.".

"Just because I'm driving doesn't mean I can't see you.", he quickly glanced at Minho through the rear-view mirror. He knew Minho didn't get along with Ryeowook but he didn't think it was a good enough reason to be upset or ignore his friends completely.

"Well instead on focusing on me you should be focus on driving.".

"Well instead of being all moody you should be having fun with your friends.", he commented.

"Key leave him alone. I know your in a bit of pain right now but it isn't fair that you're taking it out on Minho.", Amber butted in. 

Key was in a bit of pain but that was not the reason why he was frustrated with Minho. The other day when he pretended to feel extremely ill. He got injected with I.V. fluids, he had to talk his way out of taking really strong medication; which wasn't easy at all considering how worried Amber was. Key just didn't understand why Minho wanted Taemin to come if he wasn't going to be around him. "Fine I won't tell him anything anymore, but it irritates me. I would give anything to spend one minute with Onew. Yet he has a perfectly good chance to spend time with Taemin and he doesn't take it.".

"Why are you comparing me and Taemin to you and Onew? We are totally different we are just friends.".

"Sure keep telling yourself that.", Key responded.

"It's obvious that you two like each other.",Amber added.

"We do not, like each other that way.", he denied it, as he then put on his headphones.

"He's so obvious.".

"To bad relationships between zodiac members never have a happy ending.", she commented.

There wasn't much Key could say about that,because so far it was true. Every time any of them formed a special bond with one another or anyone that wasn't Jonghyun; they would in someway get punished."Do you think Leeteuk could actually know something?", he tried to change the subject as he started to drive off the road towards the mountains.

"I hope so because as scary as it sounds Leeteuk is our only hope right now.", she answered 

"Ryeowook is still following us right?".

Amber looked back,"Yes.".

"Good.", he started to drive faster. When they arrive at the house by the mountains were Leeteuk was staying, they saw him standing outside on the front porch."It's almost like he was expecting us.", Key commented as he parked the car.

"I'm sure he wasn't.", Amber unfastened her seatbelt as she, Minho and Key then got off.

"What an unexpected pleasant surprise.", Leeteuk walked over to them.

"Nice to see you too.", Key winced as Leeteuk hugged him; breaking the hug immediately afterwards.

"What happened to your eye? Are you okay?", he asked Amber as he hugged her.

"A small accident, but I'm fine.", she answered as she broke their embrace. 

"How did you know I was staying here?", he asked them as he then proceeded to hug Minho.

"Ryeowook told us.", Amber answered.

"The cat? How would he know?", Leeteuk asked; breaking his embrace with Minho as Ryeowook parked the car.

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