Mermaid!Levi x Mermaid!Reader ~ Sirens We Might Be AU

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You were awoken with yet another unusual, yet familiar chant. You've heard the song before, but the song was somewhat distant and an unknown feeling came to wash over you. You look around to look at where this melodic voice is coming from. Left, right, left, you surely didn't bother twisting your head that much, if it means finding where the song's source is.

Slowly become faint, the voice slowly got quieter and quieter, leaving only the distant waves above my head to be heard. "So much nostalgia," you whispered to yourself.

The images of other sirens pointing in horror, screaming, crying, all staring at the humans on their tiny floatings. They'd caught other sirens that was aimlessly wandering near the surface - where they are banned; but your parents are just that stubborn so they decided to come up to the surface. Little did they know that they'd end up dead on a shiny stake. Out of rage, you swam after your parents and tried to cling to your mother's tail, but it didn't help.

"(F/n)!" The blurry silhouette of the clan's head master came rushing to you as soon as you were about to get speared. You were only awaken from what you'd call a Rage Trance when the headmaster grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you to the depths of the ocean.

"(F/n), you've just pulled our clan to danger. If the humans decided to hunt us down, they'd have no trouble doing so because their technology is beyond." The headmaster's tone was harsh yet at the same time, hinting that he cares. "I'm sorry but the sirens will all agree to have you banished."

That was when it all started: the unforgettable nightmare. All because of your rage, you were banished.


"Come to thy arms, welcoming you," there it is again, you thought to yourself as the melodic voice started to be heard. "In this world made of hatred, come to thy hands, welcome you." Slowly being lulled to sleep, you try to fight the urge and continue with you agenda for the day.

The voice's lullaby became your motivation as you grabbed your sharpened, rock spear and headed out from your cave. As you swim farther and farther from the source of that beautiful voice, you spotted a commonly edible fish.


It's about afternoon that you've started retreating back to your cave. Hanging kelp plants protected the opening of your hideout and the whole cave itself. "The day is over." You officially noted to yourself, then place the rocks that you've found nearby, on a huge pile of other rocks. They were there to help you realize how much you've been surviving on your own. If ever counted, it will equal about 5 years, or about 1826 pebbles.

You looked around, always hoping for another siren to visit you, before gently parting the kelp curtains. Another lonely night for me, you thought, hopefully I'll wake up to that voice singing the same lullaby.

Being a siren, you were all blessed with sharp hearing, so you were able to guard yourself if nearby predators try to come your way, and that's exactly what is about to happen. The rippling of the peaceful water and the slow muttering from what seems to be a...human?

Staying alert, you hanged around the entrance of your cavern. The human was slowly getting closer, and you can feel it. You can hear a tch coming from the source of danger. Surely you can fight them off, you've been trained, right?

Swimming out of your den, you faced, yet another, siren. Shocked, but staying alert, you examine his raven hair that almost majestically swayed as he swam closer to you. "Back off, if you don't want to die." Your tone was harsh, yet scared. You got more nervous as his grey, steel eyes stared at your (e/c) ones.

Keeping a stoic face, he payed no mind to your threat. "So are you (f/n)? The Banished Sorceress; the one who's put our clan in danger?" His voice was, to you, familiar. "Brat, are you going to answer?"

"Well, you're right about me being (f/n), but I don't remember being called the Banished Sorceress." You kept your distance. The man let out another tch.

"Then it is yo-"

"How did you find me?" You were scared. He looked like the kind to beat up the strongest with no effort, but you just had to ask.

"Brat! Don't fucking cut me off." As he wade to you more aggressively this time, you didn't had the time to escape and you bump to your cave's walls. Slamming his hand just next to your hair, he looked you in the eye. "You've got pretty good looks."

You didn't knew why, but you felt your cheeks heat up. "A-anyways, get off me." You said, stuttering. "It's nighttime, I need to get back to my cave, predators are probably out hunting now." You bowed your head and struggled from his grasp.

"Look, (f/n), I escaped from the tribe just to see if the myth is true, and possibly get cursed, but now that I see that you're just a brat, will you at least try to give gratitude." He pull his hand and did a facepalm, covering about half of his face.

You furrow your eyebrows and look at him suspiciously. "If you think I'm some kind of thief or whatever, you got it wrong, kid, I just really wanted to see a brat." His tone was sarcastic. Thinking, maybe he wouldn't be as bad as he seem, maybe he really is just looking for you.

"Well then," you held out your hand as some kind of welcome. As he was about to groggily swim in, you extended your hand to block the entrance. "Firstly, tell me your name."

He looked at you with irritation visible on his features, and sighed. "Rivaille, or Levi. Either one doesn't matter."

You smirked and let him in your little home. You can see him look around, still expressionless. He then pointed at the huge pile of pebbles. "What are those?"

"The amount of days I've been spending my days alone." You fixed the spot where a tote bag stolen from a group of humans sat almost broken. "Anyways, I'll be sleeping here, you sleep wherever you want, Levi."

You didn't see it, but a small smirk was hinted on his face. "Anywhere?" He said. You didn't bother to answer because you were sure you delivered your words quite clear.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrap around your waist. In a heartbeat, your face heated up a crimson red, and you grabbed Levi's arms. "Oi, I never s-"

"Shut up, (f/n) just shup up and let me feel your warmth." He whispered almost huskily in your ear.

"Why... Why are you doing this?! Stop!" You can't stop the endless blushing you were getting from this simple act.

"Why? Isn't is obvious, (f/n)?" He tightened his grip around you and you can feel his muscles touch your bare back. "I love you."

Hesitantly, you turned to him and face him, not caring if your face was as red as a tomato. "I.. I love you too, Levi. I've only met you recently but..." You didn't squirm in his embrace as soon as he press his lips gently against yours.

"Let's ditch the clan together." Still hugging you close to him, you both fell asleep.

Extended Ending

"Come to thy arms," there it is again, you thought. The voice has once again woken you up; but something is unusual. Without Levi by your side, you knew last night totally wasn't a dream, so was that kiss. You quickly headed out of the cave only to bump to someone. It was Levi, his locks slightly messier than last night. He didn't stop when you bumped to him, he just continued the same song that you've been familiar to. "In this world made of hatred, come to thy hands, welcoming you."

Coming up:
Mythical Being!Levi x Adventurous!Reader

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