Ninja!Levi x Ninja!Reader

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Request from ScarletIgnite1!


The artisan cowed as footsteps creaked just above his head. His hands were empty and there were no weapons near him whatsoever. Except for some vases that was planned to be sold to the regional Daimyo.

Quickly, the footsteps disappeared, and the artisan ran to the table of vases to pick the simplest design. He picked it, but before he could run back to where he was crumpled up before, a pair of strong arms had snaked around his neck.

"Y-you...!" the man tried to look over his shoulders, but his eyes were met with a pair or fingers that jabbed them out. The ninja pressed a hand on the artist's mouth.

The doors slid open, and alertly, the killer ran to another sliding door and hid inside. "Come on now, (Y/n), poking his eyes isn't enough!" A familiar voice teased. The said girl banged the door open and stepped out.

"You know (Y/n) is the sadistic type. Let het have some fun, Reiner," Annie Leonhardt appeared from behind Reiner Braun.

"I bet the man was about to say, 'you were that farmer's child!'" Bertholt Hoover snickered as he, too, entered the room.

(Y/n) ignored them all and finally took out her sickle. The chains attached clinked and clung as she raised her arm and stabbed the man through his chest. He coughed up blood shortly before he lost his heartbeat.

Finally, (Y/n) (L/n) looked back to her fellow shinobi's with an irritated expression and furrowed eyebrows.

"Are we done now?"

Light as a feather, the four of them sprinted their way back to their hideout, which is situated atop a mountain. Still, as they reach the top, nobody has gone breathless yet.

"Mission completed?" The voice asked. A large hood overcasted his eyes.

"Yes," Annie answered, pride in her voice.

"Splendid. Rest in your quarters for now. You will go back to that town tomorrow and fake your deaths."

"As you said," the four bowed in unison and left the man.


The usual sunshine seem to cover up another merciless killing in the small town. Observing and absorbing, Levi Ackerman and his three comrades, Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert accompanied him to the house of the murdered artisan.

In his room, wooblock paintings and vases were covered splattered with his own crimson blood. A perfect 'last touch,' no?

"This is the last fucking straw," Levi bent down to the man's neck, burned with a character from what seems to be a foreign alphabet.

"Was 'fucking' even a word back in the fifteenth century..?" Eren wondered aloud, which earned hushings from his fellow childhood friends.

"We're setting out tonight," Levi gritted his teeth.

"Doesn't Smith decided, sir?" Eren earned hushings from the two again.

"Not this time," Levi stood up and straightened his back, "and clean up the room too. It's fucking disgusting."

"Evidences should be preserved, sir," Armin argued. The raven-haired clicked his tongue in reply.

The four of them had returned to their own farm land, where, a tall, blonde man was waiting just outside their house.

"Good day, Ackerman," an elderly woman greeted as Levi and the kids passed by her, "I see the kids healthy as always."

"Yes, I try to keep them healthy and strong," Levi answered, not bothering to look at the lady. Eren was about to say something, but Mikasa slapped him lightly across the face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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