Youtuber!Levi x Youtuber!Reader ~ AU ~ Surprise!

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W/U = Wattpad Username
L/F/S = Least Favorite Subject

"Isn't it about time you update your channel? You skipped uploading last Monday, by the way," Mikasa, with her hands holding up her tray, approached you. Currently, your thumbs are just idly scrolling through the amount if messages, links and fan-arts spammed through out all your social medias.

"Yeah, I guess it's about time. I'll go make a vid later... or something," you blankly replied, waiting for her to sit back down next to you. You looked over at her meal, which was sloppily made by the school's cooks, "ew, you're going to eat that?"

"Yeah! You're going to eat that?" a familiar voice showed up behind the two of you and unusually enough, you flinched.

"Eren, stop giving (Y/N) heart attacks. If she faints I'm going to beat your sh-" before she can say anymore, your adoptive brother, Armin, stopped Mikasa.

"I-It's fine! Please don't get in another fight," Armin pleaded, sighing and plopping down beside you, "(Y/N)'s probably just stressed because of the upcoming finals! I mean, she has to study, and update her channel at least once a week, she have to reply or people would turn into her nemesis'!"

You snapped your fingers as if to say correct, whilst laying your face in your arms on the table. You let out an exhausted groan before feeling a hand ruffle your (H/C) hair, "see, she's all fine," Armin mentioned before patting you instead. Which abnormally made you feel a bit drowsy.

"Yo, bro, stop, you're making me sle~epy," you whined, earning a small chuckled from him and the rest of the trio.

"I can help with your work tonight, (N/N), so you can make a vid," Armin offered, which seemed like a heaven-brought-down miracle. You held a thumbs up, while Armin was still ruffling your hair.


The day was swift and it went by like a cold, winter breeze. Since it was almost the end of the year, the teachers had ran out of things to do and let your class have free times. As a Youtuber, you spent the leisure time brainstorming ideas on what to film later at home. Something quick yet entertaining.

At last, the long-awaited bell rang out and everyone came out running from their homerooms. You, on the other hand, was still waiting for your brother who was shoving all his papers neatly in his zipped binder. You offered a hand, but he refused, so you watched him, Eren and Mikasa beside you.

"Okay, done," he announced, before picking up his (L/F/S) book and jogging to the door where the three of you stood.

You all headed out to your lockers, which were all beside each other's anyways, and organized the interior. Making way for your video's schedule, you decided not to bring any binder except Geography, for when you get free time.

"Okay, let's go!" Eren slammed his locker shut before facing Mikasa. He hung his pack on his shoulder and started walking away - only to be dragged back by Mikasa.

"I didn't see you take any binder," she reminded.

"Eren," Armin began, holding out a hand as if to stop him, the other pulling out his bag, "finals are coming up - at least study so you don't end up like last year!"

When they saw the brunette drop his bag and reopened his locker, they both went to do their own thing. Armin leaned onto your shoulder, "hey, (N/N), we have a visitor tonight, I heard."

Digging down at the back of your mind, your mom hadn't told you anything about anyone coming over. He probably heard wrong, "mom didn't tell me anything. Probably just from your dream."

"No, no, not from mom. Mom doesn't know anything. He told me in pm that he's coming back!"

"Coming back...?" well, the only people who are away and will "come back" sooner or later are Petra, Levi, Hanji and Oluo; your seniors.

You quietly nodded, narrowing your eyes and hooking your (F/C) bag on your shoulder.


"I'm home!" you huffed out, stooping down while holding on to the doorknob and the doorframe. Shortly after, Armin came in, saying the same exact thing before landing on your back, thinking you looked like a hammock.

"You kids! Armin stop leaning on (Y/N)! (Y/N), stand up straight. Why are you guys like that?" your mom comes out, the TV remote on her hand.

"(Y/N)... Run... Dare," Armin delivered, panting in between his words. You nodding under his weight.

"Where did your legs go, coconut?" You shook him off your back and he landed on all fours.

Your mom gave you a hug and she did with Armin too, "by the way, (Y/N), we have a visitor."

"Yeah? Who?"

It took him a moment, but soon after, he finally came through from the living room. He was wearing an opened button-up with a sleeveless shirt underneath. His casual joggers matching with this whole outfit. He walked up to you and the height difference was clear. He was (shorter/taller) than you than your last saw him.

Your brother beside you jumped up, giving you a small smile.

"Long time no see, kiddo," he greeted, monotone echoing in his voice. He lifted his hand and settled it on your shoulders, showing you off a teeny, but genuine smile. You felt your cheeks heat up, embarrassment taking over you. You looked down at your feet, sensing your mom and Armin walking off, giving you two more time to talk.

"Took you long enough to come back," you smirked, attempting to hide the fact that over time - over the time you two spent chatting and video chatting, you've hopelessly fallen in love with your childhood friend.

Levi walked to the stairs, which was just near the front door. He sat on the third step and you followed him, firstly taking off your bag. "I'm glad you even decided to come back."

"I wanted to guest for your video for Monday."

"Oh? Good timing, I'm filming tonight."


"Okay, click it," Levi leaned in the computer and tapped record before anchoring his arms behind him and leaning back.

You put on a small grin, "anyways, that's all for today, guys," you looked over to Levi, "thanks for joining, Midget," you snickered.

"My pleasure, shit-stain," he spat out with a smug smirk.

"I'm going to have to censor that. You gave me more work," you turned to your computer to check how long it's been recording, then turning to Levi again, "any last words before we go?"

"Tch. Yeah," he leaned in closer to you; slowly, teasingly. He stopped when  your faces were only an inch apart. You can feel Levi's warm breath blowing on you before he went min for the kiss. It was a satisfying feeling, and very lovely too. You closed your eyes, letting the soft sensation of his lips take over you.

Levi pulled away, but keeping his eyes on your (E/C) ones. He smirked and gave you one last peck on the lips before facing the laptop. He gave a thumbs up before waving off with both hands, however with a much calmer face. You, on the other hand, were left bowing your tomato face.

"That's all, (W/U)'s loyal followers. And by the way, you (W/U)'s male fanbase. I'm warning you: (Y/N)'s mine, don't hit on her," and with that unusual speech, "anyways, this is HeiHeychou, thanks for letting me guess, baby girl," Levi stopped recording and looked behind him where you sat covering your face.


"Did you mean that?" you asked, lifting your tinted face, before he greeted you with another peck.

"Of course, idiot. From now on, you're my idiot." Levi smirked before pushing you down your bed.

Up to your imagination what happens ;)) anywho! Today is Labour Day as well in where I am so I had a few spare hours after doing homework. Hope you enjoyed this despite it being fairly short. Headcanon that it was Eren who suggested Levi's name!

Up next:
Singer!Rich!Levi x Singer!Reader

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