Florist!Reader x Depressed!Levi ~ Light pt.1 ~ AU

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You loved the store, after all you've been working here for about three years now. You also loved the workers, they're like your second family, even if there's only about five of you. You loved the way that the sun seeps through the front windows of the store, and shines down the flowers that's either sitting peacefully on the ground or on the hanging shelves. Although, the place that the flower shop was located at is quite... let's say unsuited. But being the usual optimistic you, the flower shop seems to be the only thing that lit up the streets of Shiganshina.

"Hey, (y/n), our shifts our up," Hanji, from the other side of the store, shouted at you. "You're off's are on the weekends!" Her little summary of your schedule caused you to heave a sigh. Like always, you never get to enjoy the tranquil weekends that this shop has to offer. In a way, you're earning money with no effort, and also you're around your friends, so everyone wanted the weekend shifts, but that one worker that really hates the shop was offered the position.

"(Y/n), could you please tend to the flowers here?" Mikasa, who's been in the shop for only about a year, pointed at the flowers that she was recently taking care off. "Just arrange them, I'll go check my schedule." You nod and head on over where Mikasa recently was.

To be honest, the only thing that made your day happy is when you get to arrange bouquets and get the feel of the soft petals. You gently picked up a small bunch of lavender and adjusted it so it almost camouflage with the bouquet, yet still stood out. "Perfect."

Second later, Mikasa came back with a gently smile you always loved. "I got the weekend shifts." She said in a slight sing-song voice.

"Aw~ you're damn lucky, Mikasa, I'm stuck with the usual weekend shifts." You cried out.

The little bell on top of the entrance door rang, making you realize someone's come in. With Hanji gone, you quickly hurried to the counter, acting as lively as you could. When you realize who you were about to greet, your face turned in a slight shade of pink. "Welcome, sir! Would you like the usuals?" Although you're a bit tense around the man, you never ceased to talk fluently.

The man nod. "Thanks, (l/n)," he said in a deep voice, that only made your blush grow much red. Not only did he probably read your name tag, he also called you by your last name. In a matter of seconds, your face quickly heated up.

You swung your body and face the other side of the shop. "Hanji-san, usual lavender tea, please!" (Oh, and one last thing: as you've probably already suspected, this store also sells tea for free if you come and buy flowers) From the counter, both you and the raven-haired man can already hear Hanji sprinting in front of the shop.

"(Y/n)-saaaaaan~" once she springed out of the staff room, she excitedly ran her way to you and tackled you. Glad you were strong enough. "Lavender tea for the shorty again?" She asked, getting off of you.

"Yep! And tell Mikasa that it's the usual bouquet." You beamed at her.

"Alrighty!" She said ruffling your (h/l) (h/c) hair. With that, she disappeared to the small cafe area.

Getting a small glance won't hurt, right? You though, but you knew you shouldn't. After all, for you it's rude to stare at people; but what can you do? Slightly turning your head away from where the man you've liked for half a month now, you took a small side glance at him, sly enough for him not to notice you. Although something seems off.

Is... Is he looking at me?! Panic slowly overcome you but then disappeared as soon as he looks away. Maybe he's just staring at the flowers near me. Yeah, haha, that must be it. You heaved. You didn't knew it, but it caught the man's attention.

He slowly shifted his steel eyes your way and examines you, the way he had for about a year now.

"(Y/n)! I'm back with shorty's tea!" Hanji comes in, distracting you from your thoughts. "Hand it to him, will ya'?" She said winking. Wait.. Winking?!

"B-but why?"

"Because I need to do some tell Mikasa to make the usual bouquet." She said with an innocent, clueless face. A blush slowly formed as you pick up the porcelain tray carrying the delicious-scented tea.

Careful not to trip and possibly embarrass yourself in front of him, you were constantly looking at the ground and checking for folded carpet or maybe fallen pots. "Here you go, sir, enjoy!" You carried the tea by the saucer cup underneath it and gently placed it on the table. "Your bouquet will be here soon." You quickly left, trying your best not to blush.

What you didn't know is that the raven-haired man, who kept his eyes on you for the whole time he's in the shop, had slipped a small strip of paper in your apron's pockets

~ Time skip brought to you by the Shiganshina street ~

After you've delivered the tea to the man, Mikasa shortly came back to wrap up the bouquet with a death glare she constantly threw to the man. After he finished his tea, he just raised his hand, said his farewell, and left.

"Closing time now?" Looking over to the wall clock shaped with a daisy, it portrayed the time 8:01 p.m.

"Yep! Turn the sign, (Y/n)!" Hanji boomed slightly more excited this time. "Alright! Thursday-day is over! Friday-day tomorrow! YOOHOO!" With an explosion-like scream, Hanji ran out the store and into the staff room.

Mikasa can't help but sneak in a little giggle while shaking her head. Turning away from where you stood, she walked away following Hanji.

Taking one last glance through the glass pane of the front entrance, the moon that took the shape of the crescent phase. For your opinion, the moon is more superior than the sun. Not because you can look at it and not have your eyes burn, but because you've always been a night owl. Staying up at night and watching the moon always made you feel content. That doesn't mean that you hate morning.

Hanji peeked her head from the staff room. "(Y/n), we know you love that.. That big ball of white, surface that reflects light, but really, you have to change," how Hanji explains the moon has always made you laugh. Every time she'd caught you staring at the moon, she'd always come up with a new way to describe it.

"Yes, ma'am," you replied as you speed-walk to the door as Hanji enters back again. That's sad, that man with the black hair won't be around tomorrow... He'll come back in the weekend... See, this man that that always comes to the shop is quite mysterious. He doesn't come in everyday, except every other day. Not only that, he buys the same bouquet; if you try to suggest for him to buy other type of flowers, he'd turn extremely hostile.

As you took off your apron, Mikasa came up from behind you and blew at the nape of your neck, causing you to drop your olive-green apron to the ground. "Mika!" You yelped at her as you protectively cover the back of your neck. See, Mikasa isn't really the kind to run around and troll others, she's just the kind that does little pranks to change the mood. But you have to say - it's always on the right time. "I bet you got the idea from Eren."

She nods calmly with an innocent smile while adjusting the red scarf around her. You smile gently back at her. "Geez," picking up your apron, you realized something had fluttered out of your apron's front pocket: a slip of paper.

"A... strip of paper?" You tilt your head. Before you could bend down to pick it up, Hanji turned to the locker room when you and Mikasa are. Out of pure panic, and possible muscle memory, you hastily shoved the strip of paper in your jean's pockets. "H-Hanji!" You exclaimed, trying to change the possible reason why you're on your knees, with your apron already in your hands.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing on the floor?" She said pointing at you. "And why is Mikasa just standin there?"

"Nothing," you tried so hard to come up with a good lie, but you were just so flustered that you were too distracted to come up with one.

"Hanji-san, (Y/n)-san is just wiping the floor clean." She said with a calm demeanor. "And if it smells bad, it's just (Y/n)-san that farted." This time, her face instantly went to one that almost cannot hold a laugh.

Hanji looked at you with eyes as if she pities you. "Aw, (Y/n), don't be so flustered, it's really just fine.~" She said as she heads off, shouldering her bag and running out the staff room.


By the way, I just realized that the first two oneshots I wrote kind of doesn't make sense. Sorry if it doesn't, i'm really trying to improve!

Up next:
Florist!Reader x Depressed!Levi ~ Light pt.2 ~AU

Levi Ackerman x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now