DogLover!Levi x DaycareOwner!Reader ~ AU ~ Feelings from Back Then Can Grow

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Update: THIS IS A LEMON BTW SORRY I CANT PUt it in the title there wasn't enough space (only 80 characters for title) so I'm so sorry!

It was another day you you can interact with dogs and cats and animals alike. Another day to clean the day care, another day to see him.

Not long ago, it was your grandmother who was running the daycare, but because of a certain disease, fell ill and had to be taken to the hospital. She's still in a coma, for about four months now, and yet you and the rest of the family always made time to visit her every time. Of course, visiting her, you don't really get to meet with other members of the family because they all have their own schedule.

You tugged on the blinds and they rise open. Despite being early, you can see that the sun was already high up the sky - it's summer after all. There weren't many people, but some who're rushing to their workplace, some who're just taking their morning walks. You walked over to the automatic sliding door of the day care and switched the sign displaying 'closed!' to 'we're open!'

It was an exciting feeling, opening the daycare day-to-day. You were always one to love animals in any shape they may be and animals seem to love you as much. Soon enough, he'll be here soon; that Levi with his German Shepherd, Hundred. Yes, he named his dog by a numerical word and he excused it was because it was the first thing in his mind. You suggested that it'd would've been better if he named the dog [fav/pet/name], but he'd have none of it, instead let Hundred pound to you.

For the first thirty minutes of watching over by the counter, you just watched the people pass by in front of the store and a few dogs who jumped at the window of the day care. You were bored to death, not seeing any pets for a while, but nevertheless, the huge pace of the day care wasn't for nothing. So taking off from the counter, you started going in laps, keeping count to beat your highest.

The small alarm beeped and you looked over to the front to see Krista enter. She looked at the other part of the room, then to where you are. Her face quickly lit up once she saw your figure looking back at her. "(Y/n)!" She exclaimed, running in the room, followed by Ymir and their Lhasa Apso, Min. Ymir walked up groggily to you, a hand at the back of her neck. She quickly lit up realizing it's you in the daycare today.

"(Y/n)!" She said almost in bewilderment, "you're here today?"

"I have to be." You smiled weakly, a hint of sadness in your eyes.

"Why? Where's grandma?"

"She's.." You paused, but continued anyways, "She's in the hospital. She's in a comma." Ymir's expression was never sad, but you knew she was grieving inside despite hating your grandmother. Krista walked up closer to you and patted your back, then hugged you. Ymir didn't act jealous, she knew you needed it.

"We've been gone for so long and we weren't really busy, well we were travelling everywhere, but we can take Min, so we weren't able to visit much." Ymir explained, sadness now hinting in her eyes.

You smiled at them, hoping to change the mood. "But I guess you guys are busy today?" You asked. They both nod and explained they had to take care for some paperworks in the cities and they thought it would only stress out a dog like Min, a Lhasa Apso.

They both excused themselves and left the store, arms linked together. You stared at Min, who was doing the same to you, except has his tongue hanging from his jaw. You sat down beside him and started petting him, and he didn't try to bite you. "You missed me didn't you little guy?" You cooed. The alarm beeped one time and you quickly looked up to the door. There stood a man you know too well.

"'Levi!,' right?" He mocked, once you were about to say the same thing. You looked at him with a pout but smiling lips. Levi looked at you with a smirk before fiddling with the 'open' sign by the front door.

Levi Ackerman x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now