Gamer!Levi x Gamer!Reader ~ AU ~ Umbrella

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F/G/D = Favourite Game Developer
T/N = Town Name
F/H/S = Favorite Hair Style
F/R = Favorite Restaurant

"A new set of games from (F/G/D) are coming out tomorrow! Don't miss out on the special 50% off for members!" the TV screen flashed four images, "see the channel's website for more info regarding the 50% off deal!"

Your eyes shifted dramatically from dull to gleaming as they landed on the games' posters shown in the TV.

Being in your early twenties didn't start easy, and you knew it wouldn't be any easier soon. But as long as you have your games and consoles, it might be just a little bit more bearable.

"As for now, game enthusiasts, hold your horses and wait till the games are released!" the announcer disappeared from the screen and a large map of your country appeared. "And today for the weather, it will be a mix of sun and cloud, low chance of rain. For tomorrow, a storm might just hover over (T/N)."

You sluggishly stood up from the dining table, taking the dirty dishes as you go. Each steps you took were as if you were bouncing on a trampoline, excitement flowing in your blood. You wished you could skip work today and open your console instead, but the office papers would pile up.

You work in a gaming company, Wings of Freedom, where they come up with concept ideas and have it come to life by themselves. As a worker in that company, you were put into 'concept ideas' department.

Days in the Concept Idea Department aren't that hard - if you have an imaginative mind. You must at least submit two game concept; at least, each day. Some of these ideas are thrown down the drain, though, as some doesn't meet the requirements, or way too impractical.

You adjusted your white button-up shirt so it's tucked under your black slacks. With a small bag of your choice, you shoved all your necessities in it, leaving with a clatter of shoes.


"Good morning, (Y/N)," a warm-smile greeted you, his blonde hair turning slightly as he tilted his head.

"Good morning, Armin," you greeted back with an unusually bright aura.

"Looking happy today, (N/N)," he mentioned, smirking at your bounciness.

"Yup, found out my favorite games are being released tomorrow! Play with me, friend," you beckoned.

Armin chuckled, scratching his nape, "I was never one to be good at video games, sorry (N/N)."

You shook your head, "it's okay, but just make it up for some free lunch, okay?" You smiled as Armin looked at you with a 'really?' face and you can't help but chuckle just a bit.

"Fine, fine," his defeat painted across his face. He then patted your back, "good luck with getting your hands on the new games."

You nodded your response, before heading to your separate offices. Once you shut the door behind you, silence filled your ears and you felt much more serene, yet a slight portion of loneliness.

You headed to your desk, but before you could relax on your chair, a knock echoed through the door. You perked up, straightened your back, and put on a smile. Ready, you replied with a booming voice, "it's open!"

You expected the CEO to be the one to walk in your office, but instead he came in. "Just informing that your concept idea about those flying cars and robbing in a cyber world game idea was executed. The other department would start their," he lowered his voice, "shitty," before continuing, "job putting this in action."

You can't help but giggle at his sly bad talk to the other department; it reminded you of a character in your favorite game. You held up a thumbs up, "sure, Mr. Bad Talk- oh, I mean Mr. Ackerman," you flashed a teasing grin.

Levi Ackerman x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now