Sorcerer!Levi x Sorceress!Reader ~ AU ~ Secret Glances pt. 1

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It's not like you've never seen him before, it's just that, well, he stands out. He might never always be around, but once he is, the town just seems more livelier to you. He's the kind of person that doesn't smile that much. A stoic face is what usually displays to others, but you knew deep inside, he's actually a gentle person.

"Usual potions?" With only a small pinch of dried up, unevaporated titan blood, the whole cauldron blew up, leaving flame sparks landing on your ragged apron. You look up to the raven-haired man who watched your cauldron cool down. He doesn't seem interested nor awed, just his average stoic expression. His skills are exceptional when it comes to taking down titans in the forest. He never ceased to amaze the town, but some people just really can't appreciate the work they do to explore the forests.

He nods, then walks around your small shop, like he already hadn't many times before. It always confused you, after all, seeing things you've already seen before gets boring after you've already seen it a couple times.

"Where are you headed this chance?" You asked, forgetting that he's not just your usual customer.

"Like you already don't know, (L/n)," Ackerman irritatedly stated. You finally snapped to reality, and when you did, you accidentally knocked off a potion that was standing beside the cauldron. Wishing it wouldn't land on you for that split second, but it did. You let out a small yelp as the potion itself was still smoking hot.

You quickly took off your apron before the liquid goes through it. You didn't hesitate to get a wet towel and throw it on the spilled mixture on the ground. You stepped on it a few time out of panic, making sure fire won't have a chance to start. You heaved a sigh, once again forgetting sir Ackerman in front if you.

"Putting on a show for me?" Ackerman responded with a smirk. You quickly raised your head and you can feel the redness on your cheek becoming more obvious. "Bold thing to do, (L/n)."

"N-no, it's not like that!" You gently puffed your skirt, getting rid of the dirt that stuck on to your dress when you bent down in a hurry. "I'm really just flinchy!" You weren't even sure if flinchy was a word, but you were hurrying to answer.

"Well, whatever the reason, (L/n), you put on a great show," he said with his smirk still pasted on his face. You didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult. "Anyways, if you're done," Ackerman grabbed a potion that was made ready on the table beside the cauldron ー those were the usual. He held up two fingers as if to bid adieu then walked out your store.

As soon as he was out of sight, you mentally face palmed yourself, disappointed that you showed him your klutzy side.

The sun has now sunken beneath thr horizon and the sky is now painted with the colours of red and blue and purple, and ah, it was beautiful. The image of Levi once flashing you a smile flashed in your mind. And his smile wasn't one of those mocking smirk he always show other people, it's a... genuine smile. It made your heart flutter, and ever since the day he showed you that, it was engraved in your mind.

I wonder if sir Ackerman is okay? I mean, he's fighting heinous monsters. You sat at the balcony on second floor of your shop, which is basically your home. You've been calmly drinking strawberry potion that's been famous to juveniles around town. "Wait- why am I even thinking of him!" You shaked your head, denial taking over you.

"There's no way I'll like a person like him before!" After all, I don't think I can...

The bell from the shop rang and you knew it's time to get back to track. Sprinting down the stairs, famous little sorceress squelled in excitement. "Petra-san!" You jumped down the remaining steps and ran to tackle her. She almost lost her balance, but gladly the door stopped her.

"Hey, (Y/n)-chan, aren't you excited to see me?" She said, patting your head. Petra has been with you until you left the corporation, but she visits your shop once in a while on her free times.

You left Survey Corps just a year ago because you swore you wouldn't want to be eaten in the future. That was what the corps thought too, it's better you leave and they'd fetch you when they need you. After all, you were one of the strongest, placing second on the sorcerers' rank.

"(Y/n)-chan, you know it's time, right?" Petra looked at you with serious yet caring eyes. She knew you're ready but she just can't help but worry about her friend. "Are you ready? I mean, you haven't been training, right? Won't you need some assistance? If you do, you can always tap me on the shoulder, okay?"

"Petra-san, Petra-san, calm down! It's not like I'll instantly die! I've actually been practising everyday in the early mornings. Do you want to see my hunting site?" You asked, a confident smile plastered on your face.

"Maybe some time later, we need your right now- for tomorrow." She said, a faint smile she tried. "We're going on an expedition tomorrow. We need you."

You hesitated to answer. Maybe because you were really just confident or becahse you were also trembling in fear. "Right, you can always count on me."

"Also, (Y/n)-chan."


"Heichou said to see him im his office right before the expedition. He needs to discuss something very important with you."

You weren't sure who was this 'heichou' sinch you've been gone in the Survey Corps for so long. Maybe you'll even see new faces there when you arrive, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything bad. "Who's 'heichou'?"

"You don't know? Well, he's Levi Ackerman, of course!" Petra's eyes shone awe. "I'm be surprised you haven't heard of him! I mean, you possess this popular potion shop anyways, I'm shocked he hasn't been in your shop before."

"No, he's been here many time before, I just didn't knew that he was this 'heichou.'" You said, giving a sigh of relief.

"Anyways, we need to go, (Y/n), we need you there as soon as possible."

Sorry about this short chapter! The second part will be coming up soon. Had to update the first part now because this week might be a busy one and I'll have very little time to finish a whole oneshot, so here ya' go!

Up next:
Sorcerer!Levi x Sorceress!Reader ~ AU ~ Secret Glances pt. 2

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