Levi x Joyful!Bullied!Reader ~ AU ~ The Price for Smiling

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Warning! This oneshot includes mature language. You've been warned!

He can never understand her; Levi. The way she laughs all the time, the look she has when she's jumping around him. Maybe it's because he's too cold and down-to-earth that he just can't relate. Or perhaps she's just too much of a sunshine that cannot reach the cold ground of the dimly lit forest.

Due to the shortage of knowledge about the never-ending beam of light, Levi constantly ends up pondering most his time about her and all that's good about her. He doesn't dread, though - only when Hanji remembers and tells on him. Despite that, that girl's always in his mind, she's her childhood friend after all.


It was yet another day for you to face forward and flash your smile to the ones who need it. On your schedule, plastered inside the door of your locker, were the classes you'd take today. You grabbed the materials you needed and slammed your locker close, facing the direction to your homeroom.

Light steps, snapping fingers, you bounced your way to the familiar way, [favourite song] (f/s) playing in your earbuds. "As I remember, Levi shouldn't be here today-" you let out a disappointed frown as you pushed open the door, knowing that raven-haired boy wouldn't be here. "Him and his doctor appointments! I don't care anyways!"

"Good morning, (Y/n), a familiar face greeted, before taking a sheet of tissue and turning around. "Excuse me." He apologized.

You lowered your music so you could hear him. "Good morning, Armin, and uh.. It's okay." You patted his back, knowing that he's sick due to the changing weather. "Get well soon!" You smiled then continued to walk to your assigned seat.
"Good morning, (Y/n)," Eren and Mikasa both said together, then followed by both of them jinxing each other again and again.

"Jinx!" They both gasped.

"Jinx again!"

"Stop it-" they shouted out each other's last name and it ended up gibberish.

"Geez guys, angry as usual." You laughed out, them starting to laugh out loud with you.

"Anyways, I gotta catch up with you guys later," you dropped off your materials at your desk, right beside the two. "Petra wants me to come with them before class starts." With the two's approval and Armin coming back, you sped off to the exit and happily walked off to the tarmac.

Near the basketball court were a group of awfully familiar people. The squad is there; so are Hanji and Erwin, who're both clutching on to their zippered binders. You zoomed to them, careful not to accidentally bump to anyone. You greeted them with a grin, "good morning, guys!"

Everyone turned to you and their faces quickly lit up. "The ball of sunshine is here~" Hanji placed both her arms on your shoulder and hugged you from behind. "Good morning, (Y/n)! Where's the good ol' girl's boyfriend?"

"H-he's not my boyfriend, Hanji!" You replied, blush creeping on your face.

Everyone else seemed to mumble the same ol' greeting and it all scrunched up to one big gibberish. You beamed at them, as they continued to talk about what interested them and what they did over the weekend. The first bell of the day rang and most of the students hurried inside and so did the squad. You stayed out for a bit, watching the crowd hurry inside. You didn't want to go inside and start your day, despite smiling excitedly through everything. 'If Levi's here, he'd probably scold me,' you thought, letting out a soft laugh.

As soon as the crowds all swarmed into the school, you decided to take a run around the field, going as fast as you can and once you finished four laps without stopping, you looked back at the school again and a cloud of gray seem to overcome you. Levi isn't at school today, but mainly because they're there. The vicious, venomous girls that roam about the school, picking on others, their words full of their venom they insert in the victim's mind. Of course, being the happy-go-lucky girl you are, they went straight to you, tainting your attitude.

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