Sorcerer!Levi x Sorceress!Reader ~ AU ~ Secret Glances

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Yeah, it must be this scent. The same scent of old wood and  the mustiness of the air. You found yourself almost tearing up remembering all those memories you've made with the other sorcerers here. You've even enjoyed the downtimes you've experienced. "Glad to be back?" Petra asked with a gentle voice.

You were too awed that you can't even find the right words to say so you just nod your head.

"I'm sure the new sorcerers will like you." There was a hint of confidence in Petra's voice it almost made you cry. "We missed you, (Y/n)."

Suddenly, a door opened too abruptly you almost teleported from your spot. The creaking doors somehow were intimidating even if you've been in this building for countless months before. It slowly opened, until a certain brunette walks out. She adjusted her glasses and finally noticed you and Petra. "Hm?" She said slight grogginess.

"Guess who's back," Petra smiled softly, tears forming at the corner of her eyes, "Hanji-san..."

It took this person, who appears to be Hanji, a few moments to notice that it was the old top two sorcerer among the Trainee . She finally showed an expression other than 'who?' expression. "(Y/n)-chan?!" She quickly pulled you into a hug. "It's been so long, (Y/n), where have you been all this time?" Hanji pulls away then pats your hair. "It's been so long you're hair's grown so long!"

"Well, yeah, it's been a year after all." You said, overjoyed. "I've been running a potion shop that's been popular amongst everyone interested in magic."

"She's known across cities now too, Hanji-san! I'm surprised you haven't heard if her," Petra chimed in.

A startling crash interrupted the lovely chatter. Everyone looked at where the loud sound came from. There stood a familiar blonde man, his blue eyes calmly observing what's happening outside his room. "Oh, hi, danchou!" Hanji greeted while waving at the same time. Shortly after the blonde man, another opening door gained our attention. It was another blonde man, but his bangs covers his eyes.

"Glad to see you back, (Y/n)." His voice made you realize that he's Erwin Smith, now the commander of Survey Corps.

You clenched your fist and hit your chest. "Sir," your voice was a bit shaky, "I'm glad to be back too." You lower your hand and an unconscious smile crept on your face.

"For now, let's get you your own room and take a rest, it's already almost midnight. You can meet the others tomorrow morning." Erwin said, patting your head.


It's been half an hour and you and Petra still couldn't find a vacant room. Hanji was dismissed by Erwin and assigned Petra to help me with finding a room since she knows the building much more that I do.

"At this point you're going to have to stay at someone's room," Petra pointed out.

"How about in yours?" You asked, hopeless taking over you.

"Sorry, I can't. Oluo breaks down my door every morning to check me, he'll tell the commander if he ever saw." Petra sighed. "I really really want yo be your roomate but..." She frowned and took my hands.

"It really is okay," you tighten your grip around Petra's. "I don't want to cause trouble. I'll probably just walk around the site and see what's new."

You were suddenly interrupted by an awfully familiar voice and a hand pulling you closer to a certain someone. "There won't be a need for that, (L/n)." Petra immediately saluted him and her stance looks like the one of a proper sorceress. "(L/n) will stay in my room tonight, I can handle if someone comes in."

"Heichou?!" Petra's face suddenly turns red and I did shortly after. "I mean, right! Of course!"

"Wait, wait," you pull away from the corporal's arm. "Why should I?!"

"Because it's rude to turn away an individual's gratitude, you ungrateful shit." He grabbed your wrist and drags you to his room, leaving Petra behind. When you look back to her, she has her arm extended, her thumbs up, and her mouthing the words 'good luck.'


Ackerman locked the door behind him as you pant your lungs out. He walked over to you, who was laying on his bed. "Get up, (L/n)." His piercing grey eyes glaring at you.

"I refuse," you say in between pantings, "after you drag me like I'm just some shit back there. Holy shit man... that was not.. Fun.. At least let me.. Rest."

"Tch," Ackerman then jumped on his bed, beside you. "You do know why I brought you to my room right?"

"No," by now, you're lungs aren't dying as much as it was just seconds ago. "Why anyways? I mean, isn't it just awkward to take a girl in your room? I wouldn't take a boy in my r-"

It all happened so suddenly, his strong arms beside you, his legs trapping you down, and his face inches from yours. His ragged breathing tickled on your neck and it made you blush madly. "Do you know now?" A smirk crept up on his face. You didn't try to teleport away or use magic to free yourself. You were enjoying yourself. "You do know I catch you sometimes checking me out, right?"

"But Sir Ackerman-"



"Call me Levi." His face is so close to yours that you can't even think anymore, your heart is beating fast like you just ran a full-sprint marathon. "Would you prefer to call me Levi or daddy?"

"I'd rather call you Levi! Now please let go of me!" You tried to struggle and magic doesn't seem to be an option in this room.

"Not until I hear your sweet voice," Levi whispered in your ear so huskily in made you shiver and blush at the same time. Then, just like that, he place his lips on yours. He didn't let go, well, he did, but only to catch his breath, then to proceed to taste your sweet lips again.

"I love you, Levi."

"I love you too, (Y/n)." Then Levi kissed one more time.

"You're quite a good kisser."

"I'm not only good at kissing, but also ー actually it'd be better if I just give you a demonstration."

Extended Ending

You walk in the mess hall only to plague the room with silence. Chattering and mutterings. It almost made you uncomfortable. "Um, hi," you said awkwardly. "I'm (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)." You flash them one of the smiles that always made your customers go 'aww' in adore. Sure it did work, mostly on the boys, even on some girls.

"I have a question!" A certain boy about fifteen stood up from his table and raised his hand. "Have you ever been in the forests? If so, can you give us a tour without getting us dead?"

A black haired girl, who seemed asian, held on to the boy's arm and pulled him down. It almost made you giggle. The black haired girl and the brunette started to fight, the girl managing to answer back so composed. Then another guy with blonde hair comes in to stop them. What a great trio. "Also another question!"

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Yes she does," you look behind you who it was. Levi. Levi Ackerman. He pulls you by the waist closer to him with another arm. "Do you have a problem with that, Jagër?" Levi growled. The brunette then shook his head almost violently and sat back down.

"Now all of you prepare for the expedition today! We will once again have the honor of having (L/n) join us, the legendary second place who has one-hundred and three titan kills."

Everyone started to clap and you felt proud. You knew this will be the start of something new, a fun and exciting start, despite the titan's existent.

Lmao sorry about these author notes. WHEW. Pulled an all-nighter for this (lmao not really). Anyways, I'll be uploading more one these despite assignments and tests.

Up Next:
Housemate!Levi x Housemate!Reader

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