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Hello hello~

Another note, I'm so, so, so, so, sorry! This isn't an update, but I have another one shot coming up soon, I'm about 3/4 done - BUT due to finals coming up in one month, I have to study so updates might be slow. (No i'm not the kind of person that studies 2 months before a small little quiz. I actually want to and need to do good in my finals)

HEY HEY I have a proposed announcement! He he he! \( 'з')/  First and foremost, I'm thinking that for every 150 reads, I'll upload a lemon..  (⌒_⌒;) yes, a lemon, you didn't read wrong. I don't care if it'll be awkward for me, my goal is to make my readers blush whenever they read my lemons~ hehe!

Anyways, that's all, I hope you look forward to this, and IM SO, SO, SO, SORRY IF YOU THOUGHT THAT THIS WAS AN UPDATE!

- Qursed

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