Traveler!Reader x Mythical!Levi Childhood Promises AU ~

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A map clenched in your left fist, a compass in the other. You've done it; the most horrible thing that the Queen had warned you about so many times. You were lost. You took another glance at the map that a "reliable source" had given you. "Reliable" until right now.

It was about two days ago before you even set foot in this forest. You were taking a small walk around town to see what else you'd need to bring with you in search for a herb that can kill cells forming in the Queen's body. That was when a girl with brown hair walked up to you. She looked like she's probably a bit older than you, but nonetheless, she offered you the map that you've been so pissed about.

"I hear the Queen's sent you to find her a herb near the forest at the edge of the kingdom!" She optimistically help up a map up to my face. "Ta-da! This super reliable. Other travelers have used our maps because we only sell the most very accurate ones in the kingdom! Besides their just worth two coins." Who wouldn't want to take such a good deal, right?

"Ugh, she was so nice, too." You grunted as you took another step onto the muddied path of the forest. If I remember correctly, the forest that the queen is talking about is about south side of the kingdom. You opened your compass and it quickly swung to West. "W-west.." You slowly twisted yourself awkwardly, shoving the map in your pocket. The hand finally swung South, and when it did, you look up to find a sketchy trail - no, in fact, there wasn't even a dirt road.

At this point, you were frustrated and tired, you didn't know where you're going, and you didn't know where you are. "If I don't hurry up now and look for that herb... No. No 'if's!' I will find that herb. The life of the queen is in my hands, so are the people's so I have to keep- ..."



Am I going mad or is that what I think it is? You thought to yourself. Was that the sound of... chattering? You knew you shouldn't come close to wherever those lively talks might be, but maybe you can ask the way to the forest, maybe... Just maybe.

You didn't know what possessed you to do it but you did anyways. You tired feet moved towards the end of the trail where the crunching of the grass underneath your feet was the only thing you can hear; maybe until the chattering got livelier and livelier.

Sooner than you'd expected, the forest came to a clearing. The voices were much louder now, and just before you could come out from the woods, a hand grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you back in the shadows. You didn't yelp. You weren't the kind of person to complain so easily. You stayed calm, after all, you knew you were going mad. "Speak your purpose." The voice said rather huskily in your ear.

You felt chills creep down your spine as his breath tickle your ear. "I was just w-wondering if you know of the forest maybe south f-f-from here." You stuttered. "I don't mean harm. Just another traveler... Lost." You mentally slapped your cheeks. Why did I tell them that I'm lost?! He could easily go after me now!
"Tch." The man behind tightened his grip on your wrist, still not earning a complaint, or any 'ouch' at all. He let go of your hand, and you spun around quickly to see who the man was.

Being the same height as him, you can't help but stare at his raven hair, but never mind that, his intimidating eyes are glaring daggers at you. "Leave." Almost as if he spat the word from his mouth, you can't help but tense up a bit and do as what you were told.

In the end, you still didn't knew where you're going.

~~ Time skip brought to you by The Survey Corps ~~

Nightime has fallen before you and you knew you weren't getting anywhere. The compass was now hard to read due to being too dark outside. "Shit, I'm done for." You silently whispered. It's that time of the night after all when the heinous, hated fiends of the forest come out; bears.

As if on cue, crunching noises of fallen leaves and grass under someone's feet - maybe something's paws. Startled, you knew you didn't have the right instrument to fight of such a creature, so maybe running would do you some good. You opened your compass, legs shaking. If you're going to run, might as well go to the right direction right?

So you started to run. You ran and ran, until you couldn't feel your feet, your lungs hurt and your vision was just swirling. And even after all that running, the creature still managed to caught up with you. In fact, it never lost you, no matter how hard you turned or twisted, your attempts still failed. And suddenly, it just happened.

"(Y/N)!" You finally stopped. The voice came from behind, very close from you. "(Y-y/n), stop for a second."

I must be going mad, you thought. A bear? Talking?! Ridiculous! You swung around, and there, a man who've been so familiar to you, stood, panting. "W-who are you? How did you know me?!" He straightened his posture and calmly walk to you. "W-why do you look so familiar to me?!" At your last question, his eyes widen by a fraction, but slowly returned half-lidded again.

"Did you just fucking ask why I'm so familiar to you?" His eyebrows furrow. He seemed so furious now. You backed up, as he made his way closer to you. "Don't you remember me?" You backed up until you were against a tree. You didn't had the time to escape since the man smashed his arms beside you, making you jumped.

He bowed his head before lifting it up again, his gaze now meeting your's. He looked at you so passionately and his eyes held some meaning.

"Levi." At that, childhood memories suddenly swarm your head. "Ring a bell? Levi? Levi Ackerman? Rivaille?!" He rested his head on your shoulder, making you blush. "Did you remember the promise we had together when we were kids?"

That's right... If I remember correctly...

"Ne, ne, (Y/N), I have a secret to tell you." You and Levi were childhood friends, first meeting in the castle when your parents were the past monarch's right hands. "Just don't tell anyone about it, okay? It's going to be our little secret." Levi proceeded to stand up and smile at you. Closing his eyes, it took him a little to open them back again, and as soon as he did, wings the shape of a fairy's grew on his back. You can't help but clap.

"Woah! Levi is so cool!" That was how you spent your days with him, but just before he was about to leave for gone, you and him made a promise. A promise of forever.

"(Y/N), p-promise me you'd marry me once we get older! Promise me you'll grow old with me too!"

"I promise," your voice was brittle, but that was all, after that, he was gone. You never saw him up till now...

"I do..." And with those two simple words, Levi unexpectedly, yet gently brush his lips against yours making your heart beat faster and your face red as a tomato. It felt like years to you as Levi deepens the kiss, and you didn't hesitate to kiss back. When he slowly pulled back, you bowed your head hoping he wouldn't see your crimson-tinted cheeks.

"(Y/N)," Levi gently held your chin. He tilts your head so you can see a soft smile that formed on his face when you two parted. You averted your eyes, still embarrassed. "(Y/N), look at me. I love you."

It took you a moment to gather your words and maintain your composure. "I already know, Levi. I love you, too."

And with that, you both pulled each other in a deep kiss.


Well, Levi still did help you find the herb for the Queen, but of course that was after you two started m- *dragged away* up to your imagination, Reader-chan!

Up next:

Florist!Reader! x Depressed!Levi ~ AU

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