Cafe Barista!Levi x Reader ~ Warm Drink ~ AU

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You and your two best friends, Mikasa and Armin, both strode inside the famous coffee shop; Maria's Cafe. It was a hang out place perfect for people who just requires a bit of peace. Despite the shop being famous, not many people come in to have a cup of coffee. The prices for these delicately-made lattes are, after all, expensive.

For group of kids like you, these price didn't matter, it's just like any other anyways. People like you who got a scholarship from the Wings of Freedom Academy. THE Wings of Freedom Academy, known for being such a prestigious academy, often training the generation's next top juveniles. You just happen to be one of the best fist fighters. You never ceased to amaze whoever watch you punch those older men in the jaw. Although, Mikasa was the best of the best when it comes to combat skills, topping off most skilled men who's worked half their life to be the strongest.

Then there's Armin, who for an unknown reason, won't tell you if he's scholar or not. Nevermind that, his outstanding skill for leadership and knowledge is what got him in the academy. "(Y-y/n)-san?" Armin tapped on your shoulder. "A-anything you'd like to order?"

"Oh, right," you said casually as you raised your eyes to see the menu, even though you've probably memorized it. But as you raise your head, you met the cold eyes of a certain raven-haired man. He was staring right through you with an impatient face. "Right, um, (fave/warm/drink) [f/w/d], please!"

"Mikasa, how about you?" You asked.

"I'll have the same as (y/n)." She said calmly. She's always been calm, unless she's really in the mood to annoy and be fun.

"Alright, medium french vanilla, and two ... medium?" Armin gave a cautious glance to you and Mikasa. You both nod. "Two medium (f/w/d), that's all." With that, Armin swiped his card in the card terminal followed by a faint beep.

"That's all, sir, you can sit anywhere." The man said almost in an almost monotone voice. He then called to the person behind him who's hair was in the hue of strawberry-orange (if tht's a thing). She nods and then got on to work, the raven-haired man followed.

Armin, Mikasa and I constantly choose to sit on the second floor of the cafe, not only because there's great lighting, but the furnitures look far more taken care off, they look spotless. Not many people choose to come up the second floor anyways, perfect for a study session. Mikasa calmly walked to the usual spot beside the tall, glass panes that has the cafe's logo printed on it. She plopped down on a chair and rummaged through her polka dotted bag. Armin and I sat at the same round table and looked for our study guides.

"G-guys, I think I forgot mine," you stated nervously when you pulled out your notebook. "But I have my notebook which is alright."

"You can use mine, (y/n), most of my notes are th-" Mikasa was interrupted when a familiar voice came booming from the stairs. As usual, we didn't bother to look who it was, because it was all too well, and we only know one person who's always late at study sessions. "As I was saying, most of my notes are here."

"Hey, guys, sorry I'm late, the traffic was bad." Eren said, scratching the back of his head. Here's Jager, another scholar from the academy. He's the best in hand-to-hand combat, even topping off Annie Leonhardt.

"You alway have the same excuse, come up with a better one next time." Mikasa said. Eren took his seat, which was next to Mikasa and pulled out his bag. "Did you bring your notes?" Mikasa shot another question.

Just in time, the announcer connected to a mic downstairs produced a beep. "One, medium french vanilla, and two, medium, (f/w/d)."

"Must be ours," you said, "I'll go fetch it." You stood from your chair and headed to the stairs. The bright main floor of Maria's Cafe greeted you, the aroma of coffee surrounding you. You stepped up at the receiving counter and took the mocha tray that held all the drinks.
"You brats better not be making a ruckus on the second floor." You didn't expect that the same man that made your heart beat faster to be waiting for you.

Levi Ackerman x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now