Singer!Rich!Levi x Singer!Reader ~ AU ~ White Dress ~ Pt. 1

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You let it slip past your hands; that beautiful white dress. It has caught your attention, certainly. It looked you pure and naive so when you whined about wanting to it, your parents calculated both their money just so they can purchase the fabric. They wanted to see you happy and smiling from ear to ear, so they did whatever to see you smile.

But now, it's all gone. It's all driving down the river and you have no way of getting those stunning ruffles back. Not in this hurricane. The debris carried the dress farther and farther and you watched as the rescue boat paddled away and to a safer place.

How foolish of you, letting go of that piece of clothing you value. What now? It was your world, your life. After all, you won every singing competition wearing that white dress. Now it's just getting dragged along the filthy waters of the flood.

Your friend hugged you closely, keeping you warmth as the summer storm poured out.

"The competition's this evening, right?" you folded your (F/C) dress loosely and set it down next to you. You exhaled, loud enough for him to hear.

"For the thirteenth time, Levi, yes, it's this evening," you stood up from the bed and walked to him who was leaning by the doorway, "do I need to repeat that again?"

He clicked his tongue, "just making sure you're not late for it this time."

"Yes, sir," you raised your hand up to your forehead and saluted, "I can't thank you enough. For keeping me here and letting me stay and you're even buying me clothes, entering me in competitions. I really owe you one, Levi."

"You can make it up to me later. Because later, after you win, you'll be a world-wide singer and you owe me."

"Of course," you smiled, displaying a pained smile. It was not very visible, but Levi was very keen and he caught on. As you walked away and to your bed, Levi walked to the other side of the hall before smashing his fist against the beige wall. Small fragments of the wall chipped away as he walked from the scene.


Your breathing has started to ache your chest a bit. The next contestant just stepped on stage, confidence on their face. Here you stood, next in line while anticipation clouded over you. It would only last eight or so minutes, you better get your game face on, (Y/N), you scolded.

As the time passed, minutes felt like hours and you can feel your knees trembling. This is it, the bridge you've been waiting for. The bridge to fame.

But do you really want fame?

"Hello," you greeted, your voice shaking just a bit. The judges looked at you and the eyes of the audience focuses on your (F/C) dress.

"Hello, who are you?" a middle-aged woman asked, looking back at you with a soft smile displayed on her face.

"My names (Y/N) (L/N)."

"Do you think you can join this contest?"

"I don't know, ma'am, but I'll try to succeed."

And with that the judges's spotlights dimmed and all was focused on you. Here it is. It's starting. Will you walk the bridge or will you turn around and stay at where you are now; a nameless singer with a beautiful voice? You opened your lips and out came the sounds of the song you've carefully chosen over the span of a week.

With your focus on your song, you failed to notice the judges' stretched eyes and beaming smiles. You only opened your eyes once the song was over and the audience were on their feet clapping with their hands. A smile spread on your expression. Wild whistling and cheering echoed in the hall and you were filled with joy. Perhaps this bridge isn't at all hard to hike.

Levi Ackerman x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now