10K Special! Police!Levi x Police!Reader ~ Partners in Crime ~ AU

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Different POV! 3rd POV Omniscient.

The police car siren blared off as Levi stepped on the gas, (Y/n) not bothering to even buckle up her seatbelt. "Jesus, you're so fucking slow Levi!"

"Well, fuck! Cop cars are shit!" Levi blurted out, speeding past the cars and vans who made a clear way for them, "put on your fucking seatbelt, (L/n)! I'm charging you."

"What the hell?! We're chasing a car and that's the thing you say?!"

"Five-hundred dollars, (L/n)."

Finally caught up in heavy traffic, the Civic that the two were chasing finally halted. It intentionally crashed a few cars, but then halted when it was completely blocked. The two cops hopped out their doors, simultaneously pulling out their guns.

"Get out the car," Levi yelled, pointing the gun right at the man's head, (Y/n) aiming at his chest.

The man stepped off his car and put his hands up in the air, lowering his head in shame.

"(L/n)," Levi signaled for (Y/n) to handcuff the man. The (h/c)-haired girl put away her gun and took out her cuffs. She aggressively took the man's wrists and cuffed them with the other.

"Get in the car, hoe."


"Another successful catch, you two," Erwin smiled and brought up his coffee to his lips and took a sip.

"It was easy if it weren't for the old-ass cop car," Levi complained, a slight growl at the end of his sentence. "And (L/n) here was a big distraction!"

"Me?!" The young lady exclaimed, placing a hand on her chest, "you were driving too slow!"

"Drive the car then!"

"Good fucking idea!"

"The dynamic duo's back," Hanji walked into the office whilst spinning her Colt M1911 in her fingers. "Arguing as loud as ever too."

"You know them," Erwin glanced at the two police who were nagging at each other, and as they were about to take out their own piston, Hanji stepped in between them and pointed her gun next to Levi's head.

"Fire at her and I'll too," her voice had a wavering tone that slightly shook Levi, yet he didn't show. (Y/n) froze, but she silently snatched out her gun as Hanji was still facing her partner.

"Fire at him and I'll at you," Hanji turned around to find (Y/n)'s Glock 22 right between her eyes.

Hanji lowered her gun from Levi's temple, who then calmed down, followed by the click of his tongue. "C-calm down (N/n)! We all know you're tied in scores with shortie, so please put the gun down."

"Fair enough," (Y/n) pulled back her weapon and returned it back to her holster. As subtle as she made it seem, she was swayed by Hanji's desperate compliment.

Erwin's eyes glinted as the brunette hinted a small grin. She turned to Levi and pointed her gun to (Y/n)'s forehead.

"If (N/n) would act heroic to Levi getting pointed at," Hanji pushed her glasses up with a single, slender finger, "how would Ackerman react?"

"Put you gun down, Hanji," Levi commanded, (Y/n) trying to look at Levi's eyes, as if asking for his plan.

When Hanji stayed silent, Levi clicked his tongue once again. Without much choice, Levi charged at Hanji and tucked her arm against her side, so the gun was pointed to the floor instead. Hanji tried to wiggle free, but Levi was strong enough to hold her down.

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