Kidnapper!Levi x Rich!Target!Reader ~ AU ~ Restless Night

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You're unusually unlucky. And by unlucky, the most luckiest unlucky person. If that makes sense. See, you own bucks - lots of it; but you're always almost always in the brink of danger. Being the daughter of a prestigious family, your achievements are world-wide know. Sure, sometimes you're spoiled, but not always and you always get saved by undoubtedly strong guards.

"(Y/n)," your father stands by the ivory front door. "Are you sure you don't need any guards? You being kidnapped is like a periodical cycle." He laughed off.

"It's okay, dad, Hanji has her's they can protect me too," you reassured your worried father. "It's okay, I promise I'll go home safely in two days."

Yeah, first off, you and Hanji will go on a shopping spree then you can stay at her villa for two full days. It actually took longer than it should to plan this event because if being such famous icons.

"Shall we go Ms. (L/n)?" Your driver asked, offering his empty hand to take your's.

Throughout the ride, you can't help but feel unsettled; maybe something really will happen today, you just don't know. Whatever it was, it prevented you from sitting still. You were curling your hair around your finger, or tapping your foot, or just checking your purse for no apparent reason.

When your ride parked at the mall, you jump down the white Mercedes Benz followed by your driver. He's told to follow you until you meet Hanji, who's almost always in time. The door slid open, as if it was waiting for you. The minute you stepped foot, your heart started beating so loud you felt as if it'd escape your chest. You clutched your chest, awareness raising in your driver's mind. Something bad will happen. I'll meet with Hanji then I'll cancel the mall plan.

Nonetheless, your straighten your posture and made your way to the store just by the food court. You stopped in front of an Aeropostale shop and waited for a few minutes, occasionally checking your phone.

"(Y/n)?" And at that moment, you readied your stance and braced yourself. "(Y/n)!" Hanji came running to you, arms wide open and her face painted with excitement. She wraps her arms around you leaned all her weight on your body.

"Are you ready for a super, super, fun day?!" She exclaimed once she got off you. Your face fell to a fainter smile and you scratched the nape of your neck.

"About that," you began, hoping not to break her smile. "I don't feel as great today and I really feel like something bad will happen. So how about this?"

Hanji slugged her shoulders and her bright smile changed to a disappointed frown.

"Let's just stay home and watch some movies? I got good suggestions." You tried to cheer her up. "I mean, it's better not to risk it all when you don't know if you'll end up fine, right?"

"There you go again, (Y/n), sounding so smart." Hanji laughed then placed an arm around your shoulders. "I don't even get what you mean but whatevs!"


Through the whole ride home to Hanji's house, you still felt like someone is watching your every move. It sent you shivers down your spine and for a person who's not always scared, this was bizarre.

"Hanji, let's watch Your Lie in April." Hanji looked at you questioningly. "They said it's good."

Hanji chuckled, looking back at you. "For such a smart and prestige juvenile I never expected they'd want to watch an anime."

"Well, it sounds like a good one and I want to see if this anime thing is actually a good thing." You replied, completely honest.

"Alright, your Highness," Hanji stood from the bottom side of the bunk bed and peeks at the top where you lay lazily. "I'll go get some hot cocoa and some tissues, they said it's a tragic one." Hanji winks at you as she closed the door.

Levi Ackerman x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now