Levi x Artist!Reader ~ AU ~ Take a Dip

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You draw. You draw a lot. It's your main strength and the only thing you can hold on to. If it weren't for sketching and scratching led on a remade tree bark, you would've lost yourself long ago.

You started drawing from a young age, slowly making your way till where you've reached now. It was almost like a learn-as-you-go experience and it still is. Now that you're in college, you could look at your pieces and quickly sort out your mistakes. Although from time to time, you still get blocks.

Today was the day when the whole art course students would have a field trip. Not your ordinary field trip - but a trip where the scenery is spectacular and the nights are speckled with stars. And it's annual. Also it's winter and the class would have to stay either at a lodge, in cabins, or a hotel. The art course students are going to have a two-night camping field trip.

You decided to wear a swimsuit under your hoodie and pants so you can take a dip later in the hotel. After all, it supports natural hot springs, good for a fatigued body. You thought it might calm you during the whole two-night field trip.

You were neutral about the trip, maybe just a tiny bit impatient to get to the destination. They did promise some free time for art at that time; which promises free paint and canvases, along with paintbrushes.

It would be painfully messy as some students get a bit too reckless with the acrylics and paint flies around the room.

"(Y/N)," you hear your friend Krista call out to you from behind. Right behind her was a bored Ymir which had a hand on Krista's shoulder. "Have fun in your trip!"

"Yeah, have fun, (L/N)," Ymir behind her smiled faintly before saluting and turning towards the direction of the Fashion Designing room.

They didn't even give you enough time to saw anything back to them. You heaved in some air and released it, lifting your suitcase. The line to the bus had started to move and you started to twist your head around to look for Sasha. She told you she'd just be going to the washrooms, but she's totally taking her precious time. At this point, you might not save her a seat as everyone is being shoved by the chaperones to make more rooms.

As you climbed in the steep ladder of the bus, the front rows of the bus seats were occupied by the known trouble-makers. They starred at you as you made your way to the very back. You chose to sit at the very back, where it might be a little more quiet - since the loud kids are at the front.

Students you knew and faces you recognize soon filled the bus. Your phone buzzed and caused you to pull it out of your hoodie's pocket. It was Sasha.

Shatato 2:37 p.m
Hey, (N/N), I'll be coming! Got hold up with the foot traffic. Save me a spot please!

Followed with a bro fist emoji. You grinned to yourself as you replied back, teasing her about how she'll have to stand the whole ride if she doesn't hurry up.

"Oi," you jumped at the sudden voice. You looked up to find a man with raven hair in a trench coat looking down at you with steel eyes. His face was intimidating, "if no one's sitting, I'll be sitting here."

Before you could yelp out protests, he'd already slouched down the seat beside you. He cursed under his breath, probably how cold the weather is today. No one likes the cold.

It was quiet as the last students trickled in the bus, along with Sasha who spotted you at the back. You gave her an apologetic smile and she understood, saluting you. She quickly found a spot and plopped down. Your phone buzzed again, this time earning the attention of the man beside you

Shatato 2:54 p.m.
Yoooo, the two of you looks cute together!!! The guy beside you i mean. JUST- UGH - SHIP.

It seemed Sasha had spammed the pink heart emoji with the yellow sparkle. After her text was another one just filled with the same emoji. You smiled even wider and looked up at your best friend which looked back at you with a thumbs up.

Levi Ackerman x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now