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You guys I sweat it has been less then a week and I'm already getting cap on my instagram.

The first one was civilized you know.

I posted about white people touching black people hair.

I actually hot good responses from white people on what I should do.

Then I got some more intense shit but still nothing too serious

Then I get back from school and this is what I see

Then I get back from school and this is what I see

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This person tried to shit on my life.

Then they go on to say I'm a social justice warrior and what I'm talking about is "BS".

Then to top this shit off they put #alllivesmatter and #fuckblm

Butch fuck you. Are you serious. Like I understand woth the use of black instead of African American because I hate to refer to my self as black, it seems derogatory

But let's be serious few people a dress African Americans as so.

Not the news, white people, and not your mom

It's just absurd hoe this person that they could interject themselves in my life.

Now I understand why they're some spitful mayo's

Bye felicia

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