North Korea

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At first I didn't have shit to talk about but now shit is coming to light.

Alright yall N. Korea just declared war on the US. The fucking US

Where I reside, not at the moment but where I have to go back to.

The US and N. Korea have being dealing with this tension for way too long.

So basically N. Korea said that said the US crossed the line when they put their leader on some list.

I don't know what this list is and what they so butt hurt about. But shit take it back I don't want to get nuked.

Like and they said they won't really take action if the US doesn't have their annual military training with South Korea.

Like what the fuck is going on. I swear the government don't be telling us anything.

Obama just pull the fuck back. I don't want to deal with this ish.

I just want to live man. My 16th birthday coming man. I just wanna be a hoe a little longer.

Can you do that much for me, huh

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