Okay, I didn't watch the BET awards last night but u took the time to see the Jesse Williams speech
Now when I was watching this my eyes began to water. It was the realist shit I had ever heard in my entire life.
He put into words what we had all been thinking. It said in a live broadcasted production where thousands if people chime in every year to see.
He did us right
Now I guess there was some backlash with hehe rhe fact that he is mixed with white and they were saying that he could not speak for out people as a whole.
Now although I am not full African american I speak on the injustices that have happened to them and the shit i get just because I look like him.
After seeing a rant Reece King did on the subject, being that hes biracial, saying that it doesn't matter how light he is to white people he'll always be a nigga which is true.
We're not trying to erase their blackness, we are just saying there is previlege behind being a lighter hue than there is being darker.
But I didn't even think of it that way. Maybe since he is just a well representation of our community that I didn't think twice about it. I mean if he wasn't he wouldn't have gotten the award.
Maybe if someone like Zendaya, or even Amandla would have got up there and said the same stuff I would have had a bigger problem with it.
I think the speech was amazing and will go down in BET history
Peace signs,