Not To BE Racist But.....

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This is the most anticlimactic, contradicting lines white people have ever said.

I mean if you feel the need to say that you're not trying to say something racist than you probably are being racist.

Like my friend, who is a Caucasian female, said this shit today.

I gave her the 'no I'm not offended' look but inside I was fuming.

Like that shit didn't bother me until she continued on and I was like his bitch just said some racist ass shit.

But in honor of this girl I'm going to list some of my favourite Not To be racist but lines I've ever heard

Not to be racist or anything but I saw a crowd of black people and feared for my life

Not to be racist but I just don't date black girls

Not to racist but I only like girls with real hair.

Not to be racist but I passed a black guy on the street and I thought he was going to shoot me.

Not to be racist but if you're already dark why would you sit in the sun.

Not to be racist but there's no way I'm a mutation of black people, no matter what science says.
No one has ever said this word for word but this how the shit be feeling.

Not to be racist but if you have hair, like a lot of it, I've seen it before, than why do you wear a weave.

Not to be racist but is that a weave

Not to racist but I just feel blacks are inferior to whites.

Im always blown away when they say this ridiculous shit. Like how ignorant can you be for some of these statements.

The shit just pisses me off. And the fact that I was starting to vibe with this girl and she said that shit and I was blown all the way back.

I just can't.

Comment some of your favourite not to racist but..... lines. So I can hear the ignorance of the white people around you

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