I'm surprised that I haven't spoke on this more. Well it doesn't matter now because I'm doing it.
Let me just start by saying that I'm not knocking anyone's fetish. Like if feet turn you on go for it.
Or shoulders(long story)
But when weird stuff with race starts to take place is when it starts becoming a problem.
So it's like woc are the most fetishized group.
Whether it's Asian women and expecting them to be submissive.
Or latinx and Hispanics calling them spicy and mamis like dude chill.
But one I can relate to is African Americans. We're chocolate, cocoa, African queens (this one I don't mind cause I am a queen lol). But it's just rude and disrespectful.
Like you don't go around calling white women mayo and marshmallows. Or calling them mild. Or trying to make them out to be some weird kink.
Like we are people, there's nothing wrong with complimenting us. But don't make it sexual and weird.
But let me go into my story with this weird fetish shit.
Okay I probably said this before but black dudes don't like me. I don't know why but they just dont. So this leaves me open to these thirst trapping ass white boys.
I've had alot of weird experiences with this shit but I'm just going to tell you for today.
Okay so I was a freshman and I was just an awkward tulip, or what people think of youngens as.
Anyways I ended being friends with this white guy. He was cute or whatever but white guys are on a look don't touch basis with me.
(He is actually one of the reasons I'm like this)Anyways I started getting weird vibes from him further into the year. Like he would touch me more, and tell me I'm beautiful or whateva.
Well one day I came to school with my natural afro and all feeling myself.
Well you know when you go to a predominantly white school they're like 'omg your hair is so amazing, I wish my hair did that'.
Well he just started complementing it. So I wore it for like a couple weeks.
And in those few weeks it's like he started to get real forceful.
Well we were chilling and he tried to come on to me and was like 'your hair is hot, don't change it. If more black girls wore their hair like that I would be them. I love black hair'.
Anyways my ass was ✌ outta there.
Like I didn't wear my hair like that again. And in the end he got him a white girl friend with straight hair.
And acted as if it never happened. But still would complement my ass on occasion.
And now he doesn't go to my school so I rock my afro all the time and am not in fear of being thrusted after because of it.
It's just all this black girl magic. It can't be contained.