Omg today I had a whole argument with my mom's coworker today about why hilary is bad an why I don't support her.
Everyone in their mom knows I'm a bernie supporter and she's like if you supported bernie you have to support hilary that's what he wants
We all know bernie is just saying that shit because it's either that or say your voting for trump.
But if you see some of the tweets he made. Especially when the dnc was going on it basically contradicts evrything.
And you guys might hate me for saying this but I'm hilary over everyone, including trump.
Thats when the lady really started get uptight.
Something i do agree with trump on.
We do need tighter immigration laws. I'm not saying people can't come into the US but them get here illegally is taking away opportunities for people who are going through the legal process to get in.
But then she started talking about the people who are living in places of crime and chaos.
I've probably mentioned this time and time before but I first generation born. I'm actually the ONLY person in my family who was born in the US the rest were either born in Jamaica or Canada.
So for her to start talking about poverty and struggle.
Like everyone here's about the beaches, the fruit, the happy life
But your not hearing about the poverty, the crime.
Shit Jamaicans will do you like the cartel. They chop niggas heads off in the street just because.
But since it's not on national radar because the world could care less about blacks.
Not to mention we were free under the british's strict rules until the late 1960s but we just going to ignore that
We're going to ignore how my family waited, struggled and took the time to get to Canada when they could have just wasn't found away in illegally
Man I'm not pro wall. Shit I'm not pro trump. I'm just anti hilary and a motherfucka
Like everyone says don't hold what hilary says in the past against her.
But that's what your all doing to trump.
Words are words are words.
She's said and done some shady shit and excuse me for not wanting her shady, ass kissing, murdering self to running the "free world"
Then she started talking about how trump would take that states back racial.
Like there are laws that prevent him from doing that.
The president is black and we still being killed in the streets.
Like if anyone believes trump can actually make things happen like that with the way our government is set up, they a fool.
Man I just want these four years to go by so fucking quick.
I'm really hoping no for a miracle a for a independent or green party member that pop up on that ass.
But most Americans don't want to take the time to educate them on some decent candidates.
I'll since this one more time at least trump doesn't have blood on his hands
Fuck the next four years
Fuck trump and hilary.
Fuck this whole election.
-from MOE