Azaelia Banks vs the whole world

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Alright I saw this shit play out in front of my eyes. Like it started out chill asf and just esclated

Like it was kind of funny how she made all those comparisons with her and zayn.
But then she went on to say in the caption it was jokingly.

But you know these thirsty ass fan girls came at her throat.

Then I guess zayn was trying to be shady and she checked him.

The way she did it was disrespectful. She started throwing racial slurs. And was making fun of his career

The that little girl from jesse chimed in and was trying to talk about Azaelia's edges. And she had to check that little girl too

But honestly I do think her suspension or whatever from Twitter was rightful. She took it to far.

But then Azaelia went and posted some woke ass stuff about the media on instagram.

So people are going to hate for a while.



Indians /middle easterners aren't the only people who use curry
I started writing the chapter all the way back whenever started. So I don't want you guys to think that I'm super late and I just saw this now but I saw this like when it first happened. It was crazy been and still crazy now

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