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Frank laid awake on his bed. Once again he couldn't sleep. His demons wouldn't let him. His mind was racing, he couldn't shut up the voices in his head. He hated having depression! It never let him do what he wanted.

He leaned over to the night stand beside his bed and grabbed his phone. He was going to call the only person in the world he could trust. "Hello?" A sleepy voice said from the other end.

"G-Gerard.... I-" Frank stuttered out. He was a mess, terrified the monsters in his head really do exist. "Frank? Are you okay?!?! Do you need me to come over?" Gerard sounded so worried, Frank loved that the only person he'd ever loved, was the only person who cared enough to comfort him.

"Please..." He asked quietly, barely saying a word. Gerard understood somehow and told Frank not to worry because he'll be there in a couple minutes. When they hung up, Frank curled up in a ball and hid under his covers.

Ugly, worthless, good for nothing! Do you really think he cares? You know better than anyone,no one can ever love a monster like yourself! The demons taunted. Oh Gerard,get here soon...

5 minutes later, Gerard knocked against Franks bedroom window. Frank opened it up and Gerard crawled inside his best friends room.

Frank was laying on his bed curled up in a ball, crying softly. Gerard sat down beside him. "Hey shhh, don't cry, it's gonna be fine I promise..." He said pulling Frank into a hug and rubbing circles on his back.

Frank wrapped his arms around the dark haired boy, and buried his face in the crook of his neck. "Please, don't leave me...." He whispered.

Franks warm jagged breaths tickled Gerard's neck slightly. He hated seeing him like this. All broken inside, knowing he couldn't do a damn thing about it.

Frank hugged Gerard tightly, not wanting to let go. "Don't worry Frank, I'll never leave you. I promise." Gerard held Frank closely, as he laid down on Franks bed.

Frank rested his head down on Gerard's chest crying his eyes out. "I'm sorry you had to come over so late, it's my fault your always tired. If it wasn't for me, you'd be at home sleeping peacefully in your bed."

Frank stared crying harder. Gerard pulled the boy in his arms closer, he forced Frank to look at him.

"Never say that again, do you hear me? As long as I live I will always be here for you, it's not your fault! You didn't do anything wrong!" Gerard said firmly.

Than he did something Frank didn't expect. Gerard kissed him passionately on the lips. Of course Frank kissed back, but than Gerard pulled away.

"I wanted to do that for a long time now, I love you Frank Iero! Never forget that!"

Just some Frerard fluff, hope you enjoyed it! Sorry for mistakes if there are any, I'm half awake because it's way too early to be up, and surprise surprise, I'm up. Anyway darlingz, have nice day! (Or night depending on when you read this)

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