Miss Missing You (part 1)

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Hum Hallelujah.
That's all I have to say.


You placed your hand on my cheek as you spoke. "I'm sorry, but I have to go, I wanted to tell you sooner, I never meant for you to get hurt." Hot tears made their way to my eyes as you continued to turn down my proposal.

You were crying and genuinely looked hurt, almost as though someone made you say that. I knew that was only my mind telling me you would stay.

"(Y/N), please?" I pleaded reaching for your hand. "We can work through this, I just can't see my future without you in it!" You looked at me with pain infested eyes as you thought it through.

"Just for the night, I can't stay after that..." You hesitated knowing the pain we would both go through when you leave. I got up from my spot on the ground, my knee was slightly wet from the damp grass, and slid the ring on your finger as we made our way to the parking lot.

Gerard stood with a Bible in his hands as Patrick stood to the left of him and (Y/B/F/N) on the right. They were so prepared for us to get married that night. I was so ready to spend the rest of my life with (Y/N)....

You looked amazing in your black Iron Maiden T-shirt and skinny jeans, I was wearing a similar outfit but with a beanie and a Metallica shirt instead of Iron Maiden.

Gerard spoke and acted like a preacher as the older teenage boy married (Y/N) and I. The time came to say our vows and you went first.

"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz, I promise to love you and to hold you. To make you happy, feel better, and to support you in everything you do. I promise to keep you in my heart forever, never forgetting your impeccable love. I promise to be with you until tonight do us part."

That stung. I knew it wouldn't last, I knew you had to leave, but it still hurt.

"(Your full name), I promise to always be there when you need me, no matter how far away we are, I'll always try and make you smile. I love you so much words cannot describe how I feel. I promise to love you for eternity, and to hold you close until tonight do us part."

Patrick smirked behind me, I could practically feel him blushing. He was best man in my wedding and he couldn't contain his excitement. I think he wanted Gerard to say 'kiss the (preferred title)' more then I did.

Gee motioned for the ring bearer to come up so we could give each other the symbols of our love. Brendon quickly made his way up to us as we took the silver bands and slipped them onto each others fingers.

"Pete, I'm pleased to say that you may now kiss the (preferred title)" Gerard smiled down at us, pleased with his work at being a fake preacher giving us a fake marriage.

I leaned in and kissed you passionately under the moonlit sky. You kissed back, neither one of us knowing the harsh reality that would take place after you leave in the morning. Our friends cheered and congratulated us, giving us hugs and saying how cute we are together.

After celebrating, (Y/N) and I went to my house, my parents were never home, and we had a glorious wedding night. Although, during the night, (Y/N) nibbled my neck inbetween kisses before sinking two large fangs into my skin.

Okay darlingz, I tried making this as gender neutral as possible. I always try to do that in all my imagines but sometimes they seem like they're meant for females instead of both, so I'm sorry about that if any of you are male. Also I was thinking of making this in two or three parts, what do you guys think?

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