Bulletproof Love

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Vic Fuentes looked at you with pain filled eyes. He held your arm in his hands with your sleeve pulled all the way up reveling your fresh cuts.

"Vic, I'm sorry!" You pleaded. "I had too! The demons were talking again... They wouldn't stop unless I cut!" You were crying so hard, you wished he'd understand!

Vic hated that you cut. He'd been telling you for years, begging you to stop, but you never did. You told him you stopped, you told him you've been clean for two months now.

He wasn't supposed to be home... He wasn't supposed to find you... But he did.... You were in the shower washing off the blood when he stepped in the room looking for you.

By then it was to late to hide your arm. He'd already seen the thick layer of blood dripping from your forearm.

"Why did you hide it? Why didn't you tell me (y/n)?" He cried staring at your wrist. "I could've helped you..."

Hot tears fell from Vic's eyes into your body from the deep gashes on your skin. The salty liquid stung your wounds shooting burning pains through your arm.

You stiffened trying to soak in the pain you desperately desired. Vic noticed your longing, making his heart break even more.

You were both on the bathroom floor, your naked body in his arms as he held you rocking you back and forth. He started kissing your arm, not caring about the blood on his lips.

You cried because you knew you hurt him, sure you could hurt yourself, but you could never hurt him. "Vic..." You cried, "I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you...."

You were violently sobbing into his chest now, he continued to kiss your cuts and scars. You didn't deserve him and he cared to much, his love for you was bulletproof but your the one who shot him.

"It's okay (y/n), I still, and always will, love you." He said voice cracking.
(Y/n) was such a beautiful (y/g) he wished you knew how much you meant to him.

You thought about the pain you put him through. About how many times he's been there to pick you up when you fall. About how you always left him for the demons. About how when he held you, you left his embrace for a dark one instead.

*later that night*

Vic was sleeping when you snuck out of his tired arms. You walked into the bathroom where you had been earlier that day.

You took out a small hand gun that you made sure Vic didn't know about, and pressed it against your temple. The cold metal sent shivers down your spine, making you regret your deathly decision.

Just then Vic got up, You'd forgotten what a light sleeper he was. He was calling for you when he walked into the bathroom.


A gun sounded before you fell to the floor, your brains covering the shower behind you. Finally the voices shut up, well all but one.


You could hear your lovers cries in the distance as you realized what you've done.

You could rid your mind of the screaming demons and monsters, but the faint voice of your boyfriend will be the only voice left, forcing you to face what you have done to him.

Vic sat on the bathroom floor where your lifeless body laid. There he wept for days on end chanting your name over and over again. You hurt him before, but never as bad as this.

I'll sing along, oh
'Cause I don't know any other song.
I'll sing along,
But I'm barely hanging on.
No, I'm barely hanging on.
By the time your reading this I'll already be gone

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