Star Gazing

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The wind in the trees rustled above your heads. You and your best friend, Bob Bryar, were outside star gazing on the top of the hill in your backyard.

You were laying on a blanket and holding hands as you looked at the beautiful diamond like lights in the sky. "There so beautiful.... I wonder what I'd be like, to walk among them..."

Bob smiled at you. (Y/n) was so cute he thought. "Haha, oh (y/n)! You can't walk in outer space!" He mocked. You stared deep into his eyes. They were perfect eyes, but he could never know you thought that, he'd laugh at you. Think it's a joke probably.

"Whatever! What I meant by that.... I... Oh forget it!" I turned my head away from him, furious with my so called 'best friend'. "You'll just laugh like you always do..."

I said the last part under my breath. Apparently he heard that though, because he squeezed my hand tighter and forced me to look at him. "(Y/n), I didn't mean... I'm sorry, please tell me? I promise I won't laugh."

You sighed and trusted him. "Okay fine... Apology accepted!" I joked. "But for real though, what I meant was, the stars are free to do what they like, right? They don't have to answer to anyone."

You paused for a moment, realizing that Bob had scooted closer to you still tightly gripping your hand, but not to tightly, just enough for you to know he's there without hurting you.

"Okay, go on" he said, actually sounding like he cared. "Well if we could be among them, if we could talk to them, what would they say? Are they even happy up there? Seriously, if stars were like people, what the fuck would they say?"

"Your perfect..." Bob whispered softly in your ear. He was so close to you, there was barely any space between your body's.

You looked at the boy laying next to you, astonished by what he just said. "What did you say?" You stared at him. Bob just blushed not believing what he just admitted.

"I said your perfect. That's what the stars would say if they could talk. They'd see you and get jealous, because even in all their beauty, it could never compare to yours..."

Then Bob leaned over and pressed his soft lips tightly against yours. He kissed you passionately and you kissed back. "I love you (y/n)! I always have..."

The rest of the night you stayed outside cuddling with the guy of your dreams, star gazing and making up conversations the stars would have with each other

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