I'm not sure what the hell happened here but who doesn't love Jared Leto?

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Your husband stood in front of you, eyes open wide as he stared at your chocolate covered arms. "It's not what it looks like! I can explain!"

You tried reasoning with him but he wouldn't have it. He walked over to you, wrapped his arms around your waist, picking you up and swinging you over his shoulder. "Where is it babe?"

He asked sternly. Thinking fast, you smirked as you came up with an answer, there was no way you'd let him know that easily. "I don't know what your talking about."

You started playfully punching his shoulder and proceeded to whine "puuuuut meeeee dowwwwwn!" Countless times in his ear.

He lowered you so your head was facing his. "Never" he whispered against your lips as he kissed you passionately.

You ran your sticky  fingers through his short black and red hair as he carried you bridal style over to the kitchen table.

His hair was sticky from the warm brown substance that covered your arms but he didn't care. He was happy as long as you were with him.

Sitting you on the table, Jared pulled away for some air. "Where is it Y/N?" He asked, panting as he thought about ways to get it out of you, hoping this had worked.

You looked at him with mischievous eyes, knowing what would happen if you didn't tell him. "Oh baby, I can't tell you that."

He laughed a little under his breath. "I'll just have to make you tell me." He smashed his mouth against yours, biting your bottom lip to try and gain access.

You fully excepted and he slipped his tongue inside. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, leaning onto him deepening the kiss.

His arms were firmly around your waist as he picked you up and waked you to your bedroom where you spent the rest of the night denying him the delicious treats you baked.

My fabulous Darlingz, I'm so sorry for that badly written imagine. Plz forgive me? Also what are some of your favorite shippings? I know EVERYBODY loves Frerard but, what else do you like?

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