(Grand Theft Autumn/)Where Is Your Boy?

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March 2003

"Now boarding flight, 8034 F." The loud speakers rang through my ears and I started shaking you lightly to wake you up. "Y/N, get up, I have to go now."  I spoke softly. You slowly opened your owlish eyes and blinked at me.

I stood up and started dragging my suitcase with me to the boarding ramp with you following closely behind. This time I was leaving Wisconsin for good.

"Do you have too? I know being apart of Fall Out Boy makes you happy, but I don't want you to leave? Please stay?" This was your final attempt at getting me to stay, I hated leaving you. You've been my best friend since fifth grade, it felt almost as though I was abandoning you.

"I'm sorry Y/N, we talked about this. I have to go, I'll come back and visit. I promise you I will! Besides who else would do my tattoos so excellently?" I faked a smile at you, we both knew it would be a while before I came back up.

"Excuse me sir," said an annoying flight attendant. "But you have to move along, you're blocking the exit." The flight attendant was extremely persistent and I knew I had to go.

I hugged Y/N one last time, squeezing Him/Her tightly to try and let Him/Her know it will be alright. I wanted to take Him/Her with me in the worst way. I knew I couldn't.

"Goodbye Y/N, I'll be back soon, you'll see!" I smiled brightly at you, I knew you needed it, I watched longingly as you smiled back. I'd miss that smile the most. "Goodbye, Andy. Have a safe trip!" You called after me.

I walked onto the plane and sat down in my seat alone. I missed you so much already. Putting my headphones in my ears, I turned up my music and sunk into my seat, letting Billie Joe Armstrong's voice lull me to sleep.

July 2004

Y/N and I talked to each other every day. Whether it was on the phone, texting, or even skyping, we talked daily. I was starting to tour with Patrick, Pete, and Joe and Y/N finally opened up that tattoo parlor He's/She's been dying over.

I was so glad He/She was happy. I couldn't wait to see Him/Her again. I opened up Skype on my computer and called Y/N. I rang Him/Her three, four, five times. No answer. Maybe He/She was just swamped at work?

I sighed and closed my laptop. I laid down in my bed and curled up in a ball. It was the first time I've not wished Y/N goodnight since I've known Him/Her. Somehow I knew it wouldn't be the last either.

Weeks passed and Y/N and I hardly talked anymore. With me being on tour, and Y/N always at His/Her studio, we didn't have time to talk.

As time went by, Y/N and I grew further and further apart. I missed Him/Her. I missed Him/Her a lot. Maybe I'll see Him/Her next time we're in Wisconsin.

Nov. 2016

I finally made it. I finally raised enough money and hired enough hands to go to a show. Fall Out Boy was in Chicago and I finally had time to see them. I even bought backstage passes.

I inhaled sharply, bitting my lip nervously thinking about my past. Thinking about my future. Would he even remember me? It's been so long...

I watched closely as the four men ran on stage and started to play their show. Millions of fans screamed and sang along, it was all very exciting.

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