All I Want Is Nothing

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You were alone in your room as usual, hoping your brothers would come back from war soon. You worried about them, they were hardly ever around anymore but you still wanted them here with you.

Dracs and killjoys have been at war since the beginning of time, you just hoped Mikey and Gerard would come home in one piece. You were never aloud to come, fighting dracs was "simply to dangerous for you," as Gerard put it.

They'd be here any minute now, so you sat at the kitchen table in the dusty old gas station, waiting for the two men to walk in the door with your best friend, Ray and your boyfriend, Frank.

"(Y/N)?" Ray called from the front door minutes later. You immediately perked up and looked in the direction his voice was coming from. He limped over to you, his leg clearly injured. You ran to him and met him half way, hugging him tightly you kissed his cheek, ecstatic that he was finally home.

Your brothers walked in the door next, Mikey's arm was in a sling but he smiled as soon as he saw you. You left Ray's arms only to submerge yourself into Mikey's, he smelled like the desert, dust covered him from head to toe.

You didn't care, you hugged your brother tightly as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head. Gerard stood behind Mikey waiting patiently for his turn to be smothered by your embrace. You hugged the tall blonde one last time before leaving him for Gerard.

You barely had the chance to leave Mikey, when two strong arms wrapped themselves around your smaller figure. You hugged Gerard back of course, enthused they were still alive.

Looking up into Gerard's hazel eyes, you realized something. "Where's Frankie?" You questioned, your voice both serious and concerned.

Gerard let out a sigh while Mikey put a hand on your shoulder and Ray stood behind you. Gerard stared into your (y/e/c) orbs, eyes filled with pain and regret.

"He-.....Frank is-.... The darcs got him (y/n), I'm so sorry." he said hesitantly.

You felt your heart stop beating in your chest as time seemed to have stopped entirely. Frank was .....dead?
No, no that can't be right.

He was on a top secret mission and the dracs think they captured him when he planned to get caught. Yeah! It all makes sense now! It's part of the plan! He'll be home and in your arms again in no time!

You thought. Mikey watched as you came up with conclusions about what actually happened. It hurt him seeing you lie to yourself like that.

It reminded him of when he denied your parents deaths after the dracs killed them. You and Gerard sat there and tried comforting him but you couldn't. Neither one of you knew how.

Mikey wrapped his arms around you once more from behind as Gerard stared deeply into your pain filled eyes. Ray put his hand on you shoulder.

"I'm sorry (y/n)...." He trailed off gripping your shoulder as to say he's there. "He's not coming back this time..." Gerard managed to choke out. You still didn't believe them, this was probably some sick prank they were playing on you.

"He's dead (y/n)....." Mikey whispered in your ear, sorrow flooding his voice. That's when reality hit you. He's gone. Dead. Never coming back. Lost to you forever.

Hell. Everything was hell. You couldn't feel or hear anything. You were numb as though someone had flooded your body with Novocaine. All you could feel was hell.

Before you knew it you were on the floor after your knees refused to work, hot tears staining your face. You sat there crying your eyes out for your lost love as you played with the ring on your finger.

You were supposed to get married when he returned. You were going to have a family together. You were going to happy. Together.

Mikey held you in his arms as you cried into his shoulder mumbling about how unfair it was, and that he should be here. He stroked your
(y/h/c) hair. He was never gonna let you go.

Gerard sat behind you and put his arms around you as well so you were trapped between the two. "I know how much it hurts (y/n), believe me, I know.." he whispered against your hair.

You felt incredibly hurt by everything, yet somehow oddly safe in your brothers arms. Ray was there too patting your head (there was no more room left for him to hug you as both your brothers were smothering you) and telling you how much Frank loved you.

Everyone knew the love you two shared was immaculate without a doubt. You just missed him so goddamn much.

All I have now are memories
Of how you felt lying next to me
All we are is a memory
I used to have a best friend,
Now just one more enemy

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