Miss Missing You (part 3)

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  I'm like a lawyer with the way I'm always trying to get you off of me(me and you).
Please do enjoy, loves you all. 😘


Y/N placed a hand on my cheek as
he/she looked at me with his/her big
Y/E/C orbs. "I'm so happy we're doing this." He/she spoke with enthusiasm. "Me too." I said kissing his/her forehead.

Y/N's eyes were full of tears, happy ones this time, as we walked hand in hand through the park where we were first engaged. After all this time, I finally got him/her back and now we were going to get married for real this time.

This was my last day before he/she became my husband/wife. We were in black band T-shirts with black ripped skinnies and a beanie. It was ten o'clock at night and we were supposed to be separated.

Lucky for us, Patrick and (whoever you want to be your best man/maid of honor) were preoccupied with each others eyes. They totally liked each other, maybe next wedding will be theirs.

I started to hum Alone Together and Y/N sang along, swinging our hands in the small gap between us. He/she was so cute! I couldn't wait for tomorrow night.

As we walked along the paved path, Brendon sat alone behind a large tree, he looked obfuscated about something. Y/N walked over to the younger man and sat next to him.

"Hey Bren, Whatcha doing out here?" Y/N questioned sweetly. He ignored the question and leaned in for a hug instead. I looked closer and the poor guy was actually crying.

Y/N wrapped his/her arms around the singer and rubbed circles on his back. "I'm sorry Y/N, now you're all wet..." He said with overwhelming emotion in his voice.

He continued hugging my fiance, not making eye contact with anyone. I felt so bad for him. When Ryan left, he took away any memory Brendon had of him. I guess some part of him still remembered his lost lover.

I sat behind him and hugged the dark haired boy, knowing he must be going through hell. "Hey, you're going to be okay! I promise you'll be okay..." I whispered in his ear.

We all sat there, hugging each other as Y/N and I cradled Brendon. In it's own way, he felt like our own small child. After about an hour he had fallen asleep to the sound of Y/N singing. Patrick and Y/B/F/N found us and separated us shortly after.


Y/N and I have been married for ten years now and tonight was our annivesary. We threw a party for the occasion and all our friends came. Patrick and Y/B/F/N are married now,  Brendon even met a girl named Sarah, they've been married for almost six years.

Everyone that was expected to show up was there, however someone else showed up uninvited. Someone I've not seen in ages but still miss greatly....

"Umm Pete? I know I'm the last person you want to see right now but, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Living without Brendon is hard. I miss him. I can't stay long but, I couldn't exactly tell that to you without him seeing me here. Will you tell Y/N I'm sorry as well? Thanks, oh and happy Anniversary."

Within the blink of an eye, the vampire was gone. He just apologized. I was the last person to see him that night. I was the last person who even remembered him.


To this day, I often think back to the days when I first met Ry-Ro. He told me he wanted to be just like me. He wanted to be good. I always thought he meant musically, I realise what he was really talking about.

I still remember the way he looked at me, fear lurking behind his eyes. The night he came to me on my anniversary, he looked sincere. I believed him and never saw him again.

Alrighty Darlingz, sorry this isn't my best work. And I'm sorry I've not updated in a while. I've been busy..... Anyway hope you enjoyed (sorry I know it sucks) have nice night! (Day)

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