Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I pulled my car into the garage next to my dad's truck. When I opened the car door standing there on all fours, wagging his huge tail with his tongue hanging out was Oscar.

"Hey buddy." I rubbed the golden-retriever head. He barked in response. I chuckled at him; I grabbed my bag before locking up the car. I could hear the television on in the den.

"I'm home daddy." I called out to him.

I dropped my things off on the kitchen counter. I went to the refrigerator to find something to cook for dinner, instead I decided on just ordering a pizza, I really didn't feel like cooking.

"Hi sweetie," my father came into the kitchen kissing me on top of the head. "How was your first day of school?" He asked. "It was good, I made some new friends, also there's this guy who's already trying to talk to me." I hopped on the counter with a bottle of water in my hand.

My dad laughed and shook his head at me. "You haven't been in school for a good minute and you already got a boy hitting on you." My dad smiled at me. "But that's what happens when I have one hell of a beautiful daughter." My dad ruffled my hair. I swatted at him. "Stop dad, you're such a dork." I laughed. "Besides both of us know I get my looks from you daddy." I teased, batting my eyelashes.

My father paused for a moment from joking around, to stare at me. There was so much sadness in his eyes every time he would just stop and stare at me. "You look so much like her." His eyes began to water; he tucked a stray hair behind my ear. I gave my dad a sad smile." "It's going to be okay dad." I patted him softly on the arm. He turned away, but before I couldn't see, I saw a tear escape and rolled down his cheek. He cleared his voice, "What's for dinner."

He asked.

I hopped off the kitchen counter to go get the phonebook out one of the drawers. "Pizza," I told him. He just nodded; grabbing a beer before heading back into the den.

It was little after nine and I was in my room on my bed putting together my binder and backpack listening to my ipod. My phone vibrated letting me know I had a text message.

*Eve- hey Abby!*

*Me- hey Eve, how's it going?*

*Eve- good; so there's this meeting with the senior committee tomorrow before school starts, want to come?*

*Me- yeah of course I would; what time?*

*Eve- um, 7:20.*

*Me- alright I'll be there.*

*Eve- awesome! Okay, see you at school; night Abby*

*Me- night*I tossed my phone onto the nightstand and got ready for bed.

* * * *

"Goooood morning people of Orville, looks like we are going to be having a b-e-a-U-tiful day. Traffic on east nine..." the radio alarm blared, pulling me out of my deep peaceful, dreamless sleep.

I groaned, reaching over to hit the snooze button; pulling the covers over my head to hide. A bark sounded a minute before I felt Oscar pounce on the bed. With this dog there was no sleeping; Oscar started pulling the covers off of me with his teeth, trying to get to me.

"Okay, okay, okay I'm up." I surrendered to the huge crazy dog. 'Woof' Oscar gave me a doggy smile; I rubbed the canine's big head. I got up and went to my own bathroom to go take a shower.

The bathroom was completely hidden by the steam from the hot shower when I got out; twenty minutes later I was still standing in front of my closet trying to find something to wear for today.

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