Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 hope enjoy this :) going through a lot of editing so I apologize for any grammar or punctuation mistakes. Well enjoy..

I was rocking it out to Escape Me, in the car on the way to school; on this beautiful Friday morning. Friday was finally here and I was glad. As I pulled into my usual parking spot, I was dancing in my car like a crazy person. I looked to my right to see, that Noel had pulled into her spot next to mine and she was laughing at me.

I killed the engine, grabbed my things and locked up the car as I got out. "Good morning party girl." Noel teased, linking her arm through mine. "How did everything go with Trevor yesterday?" As soon as I said his name he appeared.

"Hey Abby," Trevor gave me a small smile. "Good morning Noel." Now when he smiled at her it was a full on angelic smile. "Here let me get those for you." Trevor took the books Noel was carrying in her hand and carried them instead.

"Looks like everything went fantastic yesterday." I whispered to Noel. She gave a low giggle.

"What's so funny?" Trevor turned to look at us with a curious expression. I just shook my head at him. "Nothing; just girl stuff." I told him giggling too.

"Girls." Trevor said shaking his head.


As lunched rolled around all five of us: Roxanne, Eve, Noel, Trevor and I were sitting at are usual table by the window wall laughing and joking around. Roxanne, Eve and I sat on one side of the table while Trevor and Noel seated across from us.

I sat in the middle of my two friends, watching the two love birds crush on each other. There was a moment when Noel had gotten some of her sauce on the corner of her mouth and Trevor had gentle wiped it away with his napkin. Noel had blushed, once she noticed we were there watching.

But five minutes into lunch I really couldn't finish my food with those two making goggle eyes at each other; but they looked cute together. They were the total opposite of each other physically I mean.

Noel was short and when I say short I mean short; nothing against her height, she was just the short one out of us four girls. Well she really wasn't that short; I was only a couple inches taller than her. She stood at about four-eleven, and I was five foot. Noel is a very beautiful girl; she's a full blood Indian.

Her long curly hair was pulled up into a high bun and wore light make-up today. I envied her for her natural tanned skin -which looks sun-kissed. Only thing that stood out about her that wasn't Indian was her eyes; they were a lovely hazel-green, with a few specks of brown. Her petite figure made her all the more lovely. Noel is a casual girl but dresses amazing in her vintage clothes. Not everyone can pull off the vintage look, but she sure can.

Trevor is a looker himself; his medium long strawberry blonde hair always would fall into eyes, and he would always swipe them away with a quick smooth motion. Then there was the eyes, man those eyes were so beautiful it was hard not to get lost in them. Trevor had the purest natural green eyes; you would swear you were staring Mother Nature in the eye. He had a well built body, assuming since he was on the football team and stood at about six foot. But I think the one thing that caught Noel's attention was his dimples.

I noticed how she would poke a dimple whenever he smiled.

"Please tell me yesterday was not their first time meeting?" I spoke out loud to Roxanne and Eve.

Roxanne snickered.

"Nope; they've known each other since eight grade, all of us actually. Noel and Trevor have been speaking for awhile now, but I think they're finally going to get together." Roxanne explained.

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