Chapter 8

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Sorry guys I only got to write only half of chapter eight hope you enjoy comment and vote :)

                                               Chapter 8 1/2

     Chad’s POV

Man fourth period Calculus was a drag; I couldn’t wait for the bell to ring so I could see Abby. Since I gave her the tour Sunday we have been talking and getting closer Monday and Tuesday I got to sit with her and friends at lunch. Abby was starting to warm up to me and I couldn’t help myself from warming up to her too.

At the sound of the bell I gathered all my things and practically ran for the door. As I walked into the cafeteria I spotted Abigail in the lunch line with Eve laughing. I walked to go stand right beside her. “Hello Rose.” I said softly. Abigail grew to my nickname for her now; she turned to give me a smile. “Hey Chad, how was calculus?” she said sweetly.

I blew out a breath of air, “It was a drag, plus you know how bad I am at math.” I whined. She laughed. I took her tray from her and held it while she grabbed her food and placed it on the tray. “Thanks,” She told me once we were sitting at our table. Trevor and Noel were already there as always, talking about something.

“Abby, Trevor was telling me about this great restaurant in the next town and was wondering if you wanted to come with us?” Noel gave her a pleading smile as she asked. “Uh, well I don’t know. I don’t want to be a third wheel with you guys.” She told her.

“Oh your not going to be a third wheel, Chad is coming too, right Chad?” Noel turned to give me a secret look and a glare, telling me I better agree. Earlier this morning Noel had told me she was going to help me out with getting Abby to like me. So I played like a good boy and agreed. “Yeah, of course I’m coming. I’ve wanted to check out that place for awhile now.” I said, giving Abby a smile. “You should totally come.” I persuaded.

Abby had look between Noel and I for awhile with a suspicious look. “Alright fine I’ll go. You guys have made me curious about this place now.” We cheered which made her laugh at us.

The bell startled causing me to choke on my water. As always I was sad that lunch was over, but was glad that I got to spend my last two classes together.

“So are you and Noel going to hang out after school and watch our football practice?” I asked her as we walked towards our fifth period class.

Abby looked up at me with wide eyes. “I didn’t know I was invited.” She smirked. I love the way she did her little signature smirk. Not a lot of girls look right smirking, but Abby did it well.

“Well I just invited you then.” I smiled down at her. Today she wore a black long sleeve with blue jeans and some tennis shoes. She was dressed casual, but she made dressing casual look hot, especially the way she had her hair up in a simple ponytail made her look even more beautiful. Abby was different from all the other girls, she didn’t fume over what to wear or how much she weighed. She was a real person; I guess that’s why I like her. Whoa!! Dude you like her, are you thinking straight, I thought. Inner self was fighting with the other half of my inner self right now.

Chad you know you like her just admit it. My good side of my inner self spoke to me. Heck no!! You don’t like girls like that Chad, you’re Mr. Player. The player side of me spoke. Will you guys shut up! I yelled mentally. Just listening to my brain gave me a headache.

“Chad? Hello earth to Chad.” I blinked out of it. I didn’t even know I had stopped walking and was just standing there in the middle of the hall. “Chad, come on,” I looked down to see Abby standing in front of me with a confused frown on her face. I shook my head to clear away the cloud of confusion and started walking again.

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