Chapter 15

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Hellooo :) I hope you guys enjoyed that last chappie. Man What is Chad going to do now?? Poor guy ehh. I must say the comments keeps me going and encourages me to continue writing so thank you!!! YOu know who you are lol. So aftter this chappie there will be only like six or seven more chapters to go :( the closer I get to the end the sadder I get. But its fine thanks to the awesome support. Anywhoo onward to the story!!!!!!


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or location is entirely coincidental.


The sun was at its highest peak it’s shining blades cut through my windows and shone on my face waking me up. I stretched out my whole body in my bed. I felt really good; last night went really great leaving me tired. I rolled over in bed to check the time. My eyes grew wide in shock; it was ten minutes till ten o’clock. I didn’t realize how tired I was from last night.

I reached for my phone and found that I had five missed calls and four messages. Three of the calls were from Eve, Roxanne, and Noel, the other two from Chad. Same with the messages. I hurriedly replied back to all of them and then tossed the phone aside on my bed. I got up and went to go shower.

When I came bounding down the stairs, Aunty and Uncle were in the living room relaxing talking to each other. I gave them kisses, then went off to search for food. “There’s a plate of food in the microwave honey.” Aunty Marie called out to me. I opened the microwave to see a plate covered by napkin, hiding eggs, bacon and French toast.

“Thanks Aunty!” I shouted. Zach then decided to grace me with his presence.

“It’s about time you woke up woman,” he nudged me, as he walked towards the refrigerator.

“Why didn’t you wake me?” I ripped off a piece of bacon and popped it in my mouth.

He grabbed the bag of grapes and picked him some, dropping them in a bowl. “I just thought you could use the sleep.” I nodded, shoving more food in my mouth.

“I hate to ask this, but when do you guys have to go back?” I took a bite of my French toast and turned to look at him.

“Well about that, we’re not going back anytime soon.” Zach had his back to me.

“Okaaay; what does that mean?” I asked slowly.

“It means Abby that we’re staying,” said a different voice from behind me. It was Uncle Daniel or Uncle Danny to me.

“Oh my god! Really? That’s awesome! I went around the counter to give Uncle and Aunty a huge hug. “Have you guys found a place yet?” they nodded.

“We just found a great spot a few days ago. We wanted to surprise you about all this but you just had to go start asking questions.” Aunty teased me.

“Wait does dad know?” I looked to Uncle. He shook his head.

“No, not yet.” Uncle answered.

“Which means you can’t go running your mouth about this to him Abby.” Zach threatened. I poked my tongue out at him. He just rolled his eyes at me.

“We’re getting ready to go out looking for paint colors; did you want to come with us?” Aunty invited me. I nodded my whole body eager.

We first stopped at the new house they would be staying in. I walked around the entire house loving the smell of new house. They even have a room off for me when I come over. After looking at the house, we went to go for the paint colors. Zach was so happy that he finally would get to paint his room even though he wouldn’t be in it as much. I even got to pick out some colors for the room I was going to get.

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