Chapter 7

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*happy dance*  random moment haha 

sorry  for such a late upload and excuse the spelling/ grammar errors. I haven't had time to edited. I hope you enjoy the chapter. Okay I''m going to stop talking so you can read.                                         

                                   Abigail’s POV

 Chapter 7 

We made it to the mall in twenty-five minutes, thanks to Eve’s good navigation skills and my fast driving. The mall was definitely not in Orville, it was in the town twenty miles from there. I was glad to be going shopping with the girls only one person missing was Noel, she was hanging with Trevor today.

Roxanne hooked arms through Eve and my arms as we walked through the mall. The mall was huge, it had three levels, and can you say awesome! Eve and Roxanne pointed out all the important stores that we had to stop at.

Our first stop was this boutique, which had some awesome clothes; I liked the shoes the most. There was these pair of vintage shoes that were black and white, that I couldn’t pass up. So I bought them. The next stop was the hair salon; I didn’t buy anything, so I just helped Eve and Roxanne pick out some things.

Our third stop was at ‘Little Miss sunshine’ that was bath and perfume store. I couldn’t help buying a two bottles of my favorite honeysuckle and nutmeg shower gel and lotion. By our twelfth stop I was becoming exhausted.

We were in the food court eating our barbeque from Chico’s Barbeque, and talked crap about how anyone, whenever they walked past us. It really was funny. At one point there was this woman who walked by and she was wearing short shorts – almost like underwear- with these black leather boots and a long grey cape. It was hilarious. We all busted out laughing at the woman when she walked by.

Even though we finished our food we stayed a little while longer continuing to make fun of everyone. My new friends were a joy to be around; I could tell we would be close.


My dad’s truck wasn’t in the driveway when we pulled up at my place. “I guess my dad is still at work.” I told them, getting out of the car. Eve and Roxanne got out and followed me into the house, but were greeted by a not so friendly Oscar.

He growled at the two. “Oscar be nice, you big over protective dog.” I rubbed his head. “You have to let him sniff you or he won’t let you into the house.” I looked up at my two friends.

Eve just shrugged and stuck her hand out towards Oscar. He took a few moments of sniffing before finally he licked her hand. I looked at a scared Roxanne. Oscar trotted over to Roxanne and sniffed her everywhere. It took Oscar a little bit longer with the sniffing.

It happened so fast I didn’t even have time to stop the retriever jumped on a small fragile and very scared Roxanne.

“Oh my god, Oscar no jumping on people,” I pulled the big dumb dog off Roxanne by the collar. “Well at least we know he likes you.” Eve commented trying her best not to laugh. “Your dog is a playful beast.” Roxanne got up brushing dog hair off of her. She said with a playful frown. “At least you like me.” Roxanne told the canine and rubbed his ears.

“Come on you guys lets go study.” I grabbed a jar of peanut butter with three bottles of water before I led my friends up to my room.

We were up in my room and Roxanne and I were laughing at Eve who was trying to do a hand stand, which she failed. “Your room is awesome.” Roxanne had told me for the nineteenth time.

“Thanks, I love this room. Especially the window seat and patio, but my favorite part is having my own bathroom.” I smiled as I looked around my room. So my room was like on the third floor but not really. To get to my room, first you would have to climb the first set of stairs that lead to the second story, when you got up there instead of walking off to the right you would go left which lead to my room. There were a few steps that led up to my room almost like you’re going to the attic –but your not-

My room without furniture is one huge room with a wall window with a patio door too. My king-size bed was in the middle of the room but against the west wall and the flat screen was on the east wall. When you come up the stairs to my room to your left there is a floor to ceiling bookcase and to the right was the bathroom and straight ahead was the wall window along with the window seat.

The sound of the front door opening and closing brought me back to what was happening around me. “Abby, Abby,” Roxanne had been calling me and I didn’t even notice.

“Huh?” I turned to look at Roxanne.

“I think your dad is calling you.” Eve answered.

“Oh.” I straightened up and headed for the stairs, with Eve and Roxanne right on my heels.

My dad was in the kitchen drinking a cold beer when we got downstairs. “Hey dad,” I went over to him to give him a peck on the cheek. “Hi sweetheart.” He kissed the top of my head. “Now you two must be Eve and Roxanne.” My dad greeted my friends with a smile.

“Nice to finally meet you Mr. Rose,” Eve and Roxanne said at the same time. My dad chuckled. “It sure is,” he said with a smile. “Where’s Noel?” He searched for her. “Oh she’s with Trevor dad.” I told him. “Ah yes, now Trevor was the nice young man who hung out with Noel and you the other day right?” He asked me. I just nodded.

“Well dad we’re going to head back up to my room. Love you.” I gave my dad another kiss before leaving the kitchen. “I’ll order you girls some Chinese food.” My dad called up to us.

After an hour of waiting for our food and another hour of laughing and eating, it was time to take my friends home. I smiled to myself as I thought about the awesome day I had with my friends while I put on my shoes.

“Come on Abby hurry up!” Eve yelled from downstairs. Eve and Roxanne were downstairs waiting for me.

“Alright I’m coming.”  I laughed grabbing my jacket and ran out the room.

 A/N: Sorry for a late upload. I've been having a rough time these past few weeks. I had a death in the family, I lost my dad. But I'll try to upload a lot sooner. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please comment and vote :) 

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