Chapter 24

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As I walked inside my house with Oscar tagging along behind, I found my dad like always in the kitchen on the hunt for food. Shaking my head I went up to the love able man gave him a peck on the cheek. "Hi sweetie, how was school?" he asked, still in search for something edible.

"Eh it was alright, I have a feeling that Chad is planning something though." Just hearing Chad's name my father got upset. After what I thought of my dad counting in his head, he turned to me placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "No matter what you decide about this boy, I will still love you and you'll always be my baby girl." He then left on that note. I was left puzzled but didn't think much on it. I started searching around the kitchen just like my dad for food.


"Okay which way I turn now?" Trevor asked. At the stop sign make a left and the house will be the third one down. Trevor pulled up to a two story light blue house. He then killed the engine. "Who's house is this?" he asked as I got out of the car. Trevor followed suit.

"I can't believe you don't remember who's house this is; we use to come here all the time when we were just kids." I walked ahead of him leaving Trevor to ponder over who's house we were at. I walked up the porch and rang the doorbell; Trevor still stood there wondering over who lived here.

A few minutes later the door opened to reveal a petite black haired woman with chocolate brown eyes. Her daughter and her could pass as sisters with the strong resemblance. "Chad Midnight look at you. Well you sure have grown to be very handsome young man." the woman pulled me into a tight embrace. "Thank you Mrs. Hale." I returned the hug. The woman went for her attack on Trevor, he just stood there wide eyed like a feet caught in headlights.

"Oh Trevor you sure have grown to be a handsome young man too," Mrs. Hale pulled him into a tight embrace too. "You were always easy on the eyes." she teased, pinching his cheek. Trevor cheeks turned a light shade of pink. I chuckled, but covered it with a cough when he shot me death glare.

"Well don't let me stop you, you go inside." Mrs. Hale returned back inside with his tagging behind her. She nodded her head at the stairs that lead up to the second story. To the right was this huge family living room filled modern day technology. "You boys hunger or thirsty?" She asked, as she headed to the kitchen.

"No ma'am, thanks" I told her, and then sprinted up the stairs with Trevor when Mrs. Hale was no longer in sight.

When we got to the second landing I turned right and headed down this short hall then made another right which had a door around the corner. I knocked first to let her know I was here. "Come in," came her soft sweet voice. I opened the door with a smile and with a surprised looking Trevor.

Abigail POV

It was Thursday and I had absolutely nothing to do. I was sitting in the den curled up with Oscar watching old reruns of 'I Love Lucy' show. While my dad was out grocery shopping. My door bell rang. I groaned as I paused the show on its best part; Lucy was squishing grapes with her feet. Oscar jumped down off the couch and walked with to the front door.

I opened the door, but no one was there I frowned. I stepped out onto the porch with Oscar right by my side. I looked to the driveway and saw that my dad was back with the groceries. He must've rung the door bell for help, I don't see why he couldn't call me. I walked over to the car.

"Hey dad, need a hand?" I leaned against the car trunk. He lifted his head up hitting it on the hood of the trunk. I winced just seeing that. "You ok dad?"

He rubbed his hand on his head. "Yeah I'll live. Can you grab those groceries for me?" he asked grabbing some bags as well. I grabbed the rest of the bags and headed inside right behind him. "So got any plans tonight kiddo?"

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