chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Sorry for such a short and boring chapter, the next one will be better. Now enjoy!

I cried out and sank to the floor at the sight of him. “Abby, why are you not dressed?” Chad scolded me; he was giving me a playful frown. I lifted an eyebrow at him.

“How did you know where I live?” It was pretty creepy if you ask me that he knew exactly where I live. He gave me that stupid smirk of his. “I have my ways,” he waggled his eyebrows at me. “Now get up and go get dressed. “ He pulled me up off the floor and pushed me towards the stairs.

I looked back at him with a confused expression on my face. He just shooed me away.

Ten minutes of a shower, and then throwing on a black lacey top and white skinny jeans, and five minutes of eating cereal later. I was rinsing out my dirty bowl at the sink; I heard my dads’ footsteps coming down the stairs.

“Who was that at the door Abby?” My fathers booming voice called out through the house. I looked towards Chad who was sitting at the kitchen island; his eyes had gone wide at the sound of my dads’ voice.

“Abby who was that at- “ He stopped mid-sentence once he saw Chad sitting at the kitchen island.  “Who’s this?” My dad looked at me, then looked at Chad. “Who are you?” He pointed at Chad. My father didn’t do so well in the mornings on Sundays either.

“Dad this is Chad; Chad this is my father William Rose.” I said quickly. Chad stuck his hand, “Nice to meet you sir.” Chad looked a little frighten of my dad which was funny.

My dad shook his hand back lifting an eyebrow at Chad. “You must be the boy, Abby was telling me about on her first day.” My father suddenly said. Chad’s face turned a bright red. I burst out laughing at him. Man I loved my dad.

“I didn’t know Rose talked about me.” He said with a grin. “I wouldn’t be smiling, it wasn’t like she was bragging; more like annoyed and what did you call her.” My dad said bluntly, I was still giggling a little.

Chad gulped pretty loudly. “Uh, I called her Rose, it’s a nickname I call her.” He said in a small voice. My dad was eyeballing him, “That’s a new one Abby.” My dad said to me without taking his eyes off of Chad. “Yup,” I tried so hard not to laugh right now.

“So why are you here Chad?” My dad asked him, as he poured himself a cup of coffee. Chad looked at me for help, but I simply smirked at him. He cleared his throat before answering my fathers’ question. “Well sir I was going to give Abigail a tour of the town.”

My dad chuckled before he took a sip of coffee. “Good luck with getting her out of the house today, seeing as today is Sunday.” He told him. Chad had a confused look on his face. “Why do you say that sir?” My dad took another sip before answering. “Well today is usually our lazy day; which means we don’t do anything on this day except be lazy.” He told him. “But have fun today.” My dad said cheerfully before leaving the kitchen.

“This is our local café and just a few doors down his the local gym.” Chad pointed out. We had been gone for only thirty minutes and the tour was already over; not much of a town I know. “No offense but this is a small town.” I said looking at a redheaded woman walking her dog. “Come on lets go get something from the café.” Chad got out of the car and walked across the street not once looking back to see if I was following. I reluctantly got out and followed.

He was waiting at the door for me, with a small smile on his face. When we walked inside the place really didn’t many people in there. It was only a few people here. But it was nice. It gave off a cozy atmosphere. Chad led me toward a small table by the window.

A waitress in black slacks and a white button up came over to the table to take our orders. “So how you liking the Orville so far?” he asked, once the waitress left with our orders.  I shrugged. “It’s alright; still have to get use to the smallness.” I toyed with the sugar container on our table. “How long have you been here?” I asked.

The waitress was back with our drinks; she carefully set the hot drinks down in front of us and then left us alone. “All my life,” He finally answered after taking a sip.

For the rest of the day we spent most of our time at the café talking and getting to know each other more. But I was glad when I got home and crawled in my bed and went to sleep.

 A/N: Please comment and vote. I want to hear what you the readers think. Thanks :) 

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