Chapter 11

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Hey guys here is the upload hope you enjoy the story. Please comment and vote. It means a lot :) onward to the story!! Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors.


          Chapter 11

I rolled over in bed to come face to face with Zachary. I let out a yelp, startling him awake. “Jesus Christ!” He yelled, sitting up in bed. I laughed a little at his reaction. “Sorry, Zach boo, I forgot you were here.” I patted the top of his head. He just glowered at me. “You need to wake up anyway.” I told him, getting out of bed and heading towards my bathroom. “Why?” He threw his body back on to the bed with a grunt.

“We’re going to go prowl the town that’s why, bone head.” He groaned pulling the blankets over his face. I chuckled closing the bathroom door.

I emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a towel and water dripping from my hair onto my bare shoulders and on the floor as well. The bed was empty; I assumed my brother went to go get ready for our day of fun. I laughed a little.

I was dressed casually in some blue jeans and black top and had my hair pulled back into a simple ponytail on top of my head.  I headed down to the kitchen to look for something to eat. Zachary was sitting at the kitchen island eating a bowl cereal, reading the back of the cereal box. “Morning,” I chirped, walking over to the cabinet to get a bowl. He nodded his head. I sat in the bar stool next to him. “Where’s your sweetheart Angie?” I snatched the box from him pouring cereal into my bowl.

“Upstairs in the guest bedroom sleeping,” He snatched the box back from me. For awhile we sat in comfortable silence eating our breakfast. Uncle Danny soon came shuffling in the kitchen still half asleep as always. “Morning uncle,” I waved my spoon dripping milk at him.

“Morning pumpkin,” He gave me a kiss on the forehead, then turned to the coffee maker. “Getting mom’s morning wake up call ready?” Zachary asked. Uncle grunted. “You know how your mother can be without her morning coffee.” Uncle teased.

“I heard that,” Aunt Marie merged into the kitchen wearing a flannel and cute frog pajama bottoms with matching slippers. Aunty stood behind Zachary and I giving us both kisses on the head. “Morning aunty,” I got up to rinse out my now empty bowl. “Morning honey,” She walked over to uncle who held out the mug of coffee. Dad bought one of those coffee machines that made your coffee at a set time, which put uncle in luck, he didn’t have to make it, and all he had to do was pour.

“So what do you two kids have planned today?” Uncle asked us. Zachary and I looked at each other and then shrugged. Aunty and uncle laughed at us. “Well you two have to do something. I have never seen a day when you two were not doing something together.” Aunty smiled at us.

“Don’t worry mom we’ll do something.” Zach then came to stand next to me by the sink and draped his arm over my shoulder. “Just don’t get into any trouble Bonnie and Claude.” She winked at us. “Yes mom,” We sang, then started laughing. “For now I’m going to go kick Abby’s butt in a game of Dance Revolution.” Zach ruffled my hair and then took off running to the den. I groaned “I’m so going to kill you Zachary!” I yelled, running off after him.


“Will you hurry up Abby?!” Chad said from the other side of the door. “Oh, hold your horses.” I shouted back from my bathroom. I was in the bathroom fixing my hair in a presentable way, before I left the house. Earlier after Zachary and mine fifth round of Dance Revolution, he decided that we should go ice skating. We meaning: Chad, Zachary, Angela and me. So now here I was in my bathroom getting ready for a fun afternoon.

Through the mirror I saw the door creak open behind me and in popped Chad’s head. “You ready yet?” He asked. I applied the last touches of Chap Stick to my lips; rubbing them together. I turned towards the door which Chad stood blocking. He was looking at me in a strange way. “What?” I ask cocking my head to the side. He shakes his head, but closes the bathroom door behind him.

“Um…Chad what are you doing?” Okay, this time my voice came out a little shaky. He still didn’t answer me; he just stood there looking at me with this weird look in his eyes. Suddenly he shook his head and the look in his eyes was gone. “Oh, sorry, I was spaced out.” He gave a weak attempt of a smile. “Ready to go?” He looked at me with that strained smile on his face.

“Yeaaaaah” I said slowly, eyeballing him the whole time. He opened the door walking out with me in tow.

“‘Bout time you came out from the bathroom.” Zachary chided when we got downstairs. I rolled my eyes at him. “Whatever lets go.” I headed towards the kitchen to get to my car, grabbing my car keys along the way. I tossed my keys in the air and caught them. “Anyone care to drive?” I asked, since I was too lazy to drive myself. Zach started jumping up and down like a little kid with his hand in the air. I chuckled rolling my eyes and tossing the keys to him. Everyone piled into my car, Zachary and Angie up front Chad and I in the back.

“Don’t hurt my baby,” I threatened Zach. “Relax Abby I’ve driven this car plenty of times.” I did a not so very ladylike snort and rolled eyes. With that last response we pulled out of the garage and headed out on to the road.

I felt myself lose balance and before I knew it I saw my feet up in the air before my back hit the ice. I let out a little scream on the way down. I groaned, rubbing my butt. Chad came skating over to me with worry clear as day on his face. “Ow that hurt.” I said mostly to myself. “Abby are you okay?” Chad held out his hand for me. I took it, letting him pull me up. “I’m fine Chad, don’t worry.” I gave him a reassuring smile once I was back on my feet.

We started skating again, with our hands still in each other’s. “Abby can I talk to you about something?” His voice was unsteady. I glanced over at him. “Yeah, sure.” He took a deep breath before speaking. “Remember the movie marathon night when I told you I liked you…” I tensed. “Yeah, I remember.” My voice was small. “Well I was thinking and noticed how much of a cocky arrogant jerk I can be and was hoping you could give me a chance.” I stopped moving, making him stop as well.

“What are you asking Chad?” I stood there staring at him with patient eyes and my hand still in his. He was looking around nervously and his other hand was shaking slightly. He took a few calming breaths, and then said, “Abby would you give me the chance to be a better guy by becoming my girlfriend?” My breathing stopped, time stop, my heartbeat stopped, hell I think even my brain stopped functioning.

This was really big. There was no denying my feelings towards Chad because these past weeks I’ve grown closer and closer to him. I even realized that he wasn’t such an arrogant cocky jerk, when he wasn’t around his football friends. Ever since that night sitting on the car, my feelings for him have grown deeper to something much more than liking.

While I had all this going through my head, Chad stood before me waiting for answer. “Abby?” Chad asked. I blinked coming back to my surroundings, the world unfreezing, and my heartbeat beating rapidly I thought back to my conversation with Zachary, and came to a decision. I cleared my throat. “Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend.” I had a huge grin on my face.

His eyes widen, with his face breaking out into a gigantic smile. He swept me up by the waist and spun us both in circle. “WOOO!!” He cheered. I threw back my head laughing. I looked down at him and smiled. He looked up at me giving me the most heart stopping smile. He carefully lowered me back on to the ice without an inch of space between us. Chad looked down at me with soft eyes. He wrapped his left his hand around my waist and with his other hand he cupped the side of my face.

He lowered his head down to mine so that our lips were only mere inches apart. I then closed the small space of air between us and kissed him. My breathing my stopped and the butterflies in my stomach went crazy, when our lips met. Our lips moved in sync like they were fit for each other.

The whole time this is going on everyone is skating around us.

A/N: I hope everyone liked this chapter vote and comment :)

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