Chapter 18

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Hi everyone! I've missed you all and missed writing as well. So sorry for such an extremely long update. These past two months have been busy for me. I've been preparing for exams and finals every test highschools can throw at me. Also I have been having some writer's block that's another reason why I couldn't think of anything. It's been really hard trying to write the next chappie since now I'm going through a break up; whenever I would write I would get really sad and think about my ex. But I was finally able to finish and update this chappie hope you enjoy. Thanks to everyone who has waited so patiently for this :D



The tears just couldn’t seem to stop pouring out of me as I drove home. It sucked that I practically left all of my things at the place of the person’s name I wasn’t going to mentally think of. I hit my hand against the steering wheel crying; I pulled into the garage at my place all too soon. I took a few minutes to pull myself together. When I felt that I was put together I emerged out of the car and headed inside. I quietly closed the kitchen door behind me, being sure not to wake any sleeping bodies in the house. The coast was clear as I walked through the kitchen and past the living room. I silently made my way up to my room; just when I thought I bypassed everyone there Zachary was laying on my bed. He sat up at my sudden entrance.

“Abby what the hell happened to you?” He asked hysterically. I looked down at myself to see that I was still in the-name-of-person-I –would-not-speak of- shirt. Plus what made it worse was that it was soaking wet along with my hair. Zach then got up off the bed went into my bathroom grabbing one of my towels and then went over to my dresser and grabbed me a tank some sweats. He handed it all over to me so I could dry off and change.

Once I was dry and dressed I just stood there staring at the floor. Zach came and wrapped his arms around me. I don’t know what happened but I broke as soon I was in my brothers’ arms. He guided me over to the bed and laying us both down. Zach didn’t ask questions he just laid there with me letting me cry on his shoulder and not once did he ever let go of me. For the rest of the morning I just cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. I soon ran out of tears and grew tired; I was snuggled into Zach clutching onto him as I slowly fell asleep.

“Don’t worry Bonnie, I won’t let you go.” He whispered.

I woke to the sound of rain hitting my windows; I rolled over to see Zachary lying next to me, sound asleep. I carefully got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I shut the door behind me turning on the light as well. I went to go stand in front of the mirror, and was horrified to see the reflection staring back at me. My eyes were blood shot red and puffy, my nose was red as well and my hair, gosh my poor hair, it looked as though a bird had made my hair its new home. I sighed; turning on the shower water I stripped off my clothes and got in the shower.

The showers warm hands loosen some of the tension in my shoulders and calmed me. I reached for my shampoo and washed my hair.

Zach was sitting up in bed when I left the bathroom and went to go get changed. I slipped back on the tank but switched my sweats for my fluffy pajama bottoms. I went and got back in bed and sat up beside Zach. For awhile we just sat there in a comfortable silence.

Zach cleared his throat turning to look at me. “So you want to tell me what happened between you two?” Just him asking that brought water to my eyes. I took a couple of breaths before launching into my story.

“So we goofed off for awhile after breakfast, after that I grew tired, we went back up to his room to watch a movie but I fell asleep before the thing could even start. “ I reached for one of the many pillows that rested behind and hugged to my body as if it was life saver. “During the time I was asleep, Ryan had come over to talk with Chad about something; their voices were what woke me up in the first place. Anyway as I was coming down the stairs, the two of them were in the middle of a serious conversation; but from the stairs I couldn’t tell. So I kept walking down the stairs and was just going to walk in there to let them know I was awake.” I drew in a shaky breath. “That was the biggest plan I ever made because before I could do anything I heard Chad say something to Ryan.” I paused.

The pause was so long I noticed that Zach wasn’t breathing and his body seemed was frozen. “Chad said and I quote, “So what you are saying is that, the whole deal is off? Me telling Abby the truth about the deal and dumping her after two weeks and the whole reason for me asking her out; you’re calling it off?” Close to the end Ryan had looked straight up at me, well I wasn’t visible, I was in the shadows but it was like he knew I was there though. I think Ryan was going to say something but I stepped out of the shadows and that’s when Chad turned to find me behind him and so I left. I headed for the car and drove off.” Tears were spilling over the rims of my eyes and freely falling down my face and on to the pillow I held.

I turned my head to see an angered Zach. He wasn’t breathing at all, and his body seemed to radiate this box filled with tension just waiting to break loose. “Why would he even do this to me Zach? I thought…he cared about me.” My voice cracked mid- sentence. Zach seemed to break out of his daze and pulled me into his side and just held me.

Dropping the pillow, I wrapped my arms around him and held on to him like my life depended on it; I was like a scared child in the middle of the ocean holding on to that life raft that would save my life. Zach stroked my hair murmuring soothing words to me. “I think I need to call in the reinforcements.” Zach said suddenly. I sat up to look at him, which I’m pretty sure my face displayed confusion.

“What?” I croaked.

“You’ll see,” He then got up out of bed and left the room; he was gone a good ten minutes. For those ten minutes I sat there staring off into space with his  words running through my head.

So what did you think? I know its short but I promise the next one will be a lot longer. Please comment and vote it means a lot to me. I get so happy hearing all of your feedback. 

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