Chapter 10

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A/N: I know I usually do this at the end of each chapter but you know how everyone doesn't always read the end notes lol. So sorry for such a really late upload. I was having second thoughts on continuing this story. I really lost all inspiration and hope to continue writing. But thanks to my best friend Sabrina, she convinced me to keep writing. So I have her to thank for that. So I dedicate this chapter to her such an awesome and amazing friend. She keeps me laughing :) Well I'm going to stop rambling and get on with the story. Enjoy.


                                             Chapter 10

The sun’s rays were so beautiful streaming through my windows, it was a pretty sight. I cracked open an eye to see the beauty of the world. I turn over on to my right side to grab my phone off the stand to see the time. I blinked a few times to clear the blurriness out of my eyes to be staring 9:00 digits. The message icon was blinking in the top left corner of my phone.

I had two text messages from Chad and Noel. Noel wanted me to come over to hang and stay over and Chad was reminding me about meeting his friend later on today.

Man I was happy that we were on winter break now. My friends had so many plans and I so happened to always be apart of them. I replied back to them both and then got up out of bed to head the bathroom. As I came down the stairs I noticed that dad had left for the station. I headed off to the kitchen to grab me some breakfast and went to the den to lounge around. I wasn’t meeting Chad until twelve, so I had few extra hours to spare.

I was laying there on the couch watching TV completely into the show that I didn’t hear the door bell. I got up not wanting to leave the TV. I tripped over my own two feet and kissed the carpet. I growled getting up, ready to murder the idiot at my door.

It was Eve; she was standing there on my front porch with the giddiest smile on her face. “Eve, why are you smiling like the Cheshire cat?” I was a little annoyed but was curious as well. “Here come inside,” I waved her in shutting the door behind me. Eve still wore that idiotic grin, when I turned around. “So are you going to tell me or not?” I cross my arms over chest and raise my left brow at her.

“Brad just asked me out,” She practically yelled. It took me a few moments to register what she just said; once it clicked I was squealing and smiling like an idiot too. “Dude that is awesome!” I jump up and down smiling. “See I knew you liked him, I told him.” I was still jumping up and down like a little kid when she grabbed me.

“Wait what did you say? Are you saying you knew he liked me?” She glared. I shrugged. “Yeah, he was crushed that one day you turned him down to go to his game. I was supposed to talk to you about that anyway but it kind of slipped my mind.” Eve hissed at me and then pulled me into a hug. 

We talked for a few hours until I had to go get ready for Chad. Eve stayed while I got ready for my day. “Eve I need your help.” I was in my robe with the towel wrapped around my head nibbling on my bottom lip standing in my closet trying to find something to wear. I had two outfits laid out across the little island in the middle of my closet; one was a light blue summer dress with a black bow, and the other was a pair of black khaki shorts and a white tank top.

“I’m so confused Eve.” I frowned as Eve came to stand beside me. “How about this?” Eve was holding up a tan floral dress with a pair of white sandals. I gushed at the outfit. “Eve you are a genius. I can’t believe that I forgot about this dress.” I squealed jumping up to give her a hug. “Well you know I can’t help this brilliant mind of mine.” Eve said smugly. I grabbed the dress and shoes and ran to the bathroom to get dressed. I glanced at the clock in my room, crap I was going to be running late. I had twenty-five minutes to get ready and leave to meet Chad at the diner.

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