Chapter 20

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Hey guys sorry for the long wait but here' s the next chappie.

Enjoy!! Sorry for grammar and spelling errors. :)

I sat in my car taking deep breaths trying to calm my heart rate. I was in the school parking lot waiting for my friends to arrive. I really didn’t want to come to school today, but Zachary insisted on me going to show that Chad I was fully capable to face him head on.

Truthfully I was downright confused about my emotions when I saw Chad today. There was no point of saying “if” because I knew for sure without a doubt he would try to talk to me today.

A knock on my driver side window startled me causing me to jump and making my heart stammer. It was Noel standing on the other side of the door. I grabbed my backpack from the passenger seat and proceeded to get out. She moved to the side as I got out the car. “Hey,” Noel’s voice was low and soft, with a gentle smile to go with it.

“Hey,” I replied with a smile, but I knew it didn’t reach my eyes. “Where is the rest of the crew?” I asked, looking around the lot as if they would magically appear.

“Oh they’re all on their way here.” She placed a comforting hand on my upper arm. “You want to go inside and wait or…” She trailed off. I looked up at her face to see that she was staring at something over my left shoulder. “Uh, how about we go wait inside?” Noel didn’t give me a chance to agree, because she was already shoving me towards the school.

Before we got too far I cast a quick glance over my shoulder to see what she saw and regretted it as soon as I did it. I saw him. Luckily I couldn’t see his face since he was walking with his head down.

When we got inside the school we headed to the girls bathroom first. I dropped my backpack on the floor and leaned against the wall for support. “How am I supposed to get through today?” I asked no one in particular, just speaking my thoughts out loud. I suddenly felt two firm hands on my shoulders. I opened my eyes to see Noel standing in front of me with a determined look in her eyes.

“You’ll get through this with the help of your friends.” She grabbed me wrapping me up into a hug. I couldn’t help but feel warmth spread through out my body from her kind words.

The vibration from Noel’s phone caused us to jump back and then laugh at ourselves. She pulled out her cell giving me an apologetic smile. “Hey what’s up?” answered. She stayed silent for awhile as she listened closely to what the other person was saying. “Okay, we’ll be out soon.” She hung up the phone sliding it back into her pants pocket.

“Who was that?” I asked, bending down to pick up my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

“Oh that was Roxanne, calling me to let me know Eve, Trevor and her are here and so far Chad’s no where in sight.” Noel looked at me with nothing but concern and love. I couldn’t help but give her a smile of appreciation.

“Well, let’s not just stand here like two grinning idiots; let’s get this show on the road.” I put on a brave face before leaving the bathroom, but deep down I was dying inside.

Our friends met us at my locker, all three of them wearing the same protective but worried expression. I felt so warm inside at the thought of having such wonderful friends. “Don’t worry about today; we’re all here for you.” Trevor said, giving me a warm smile before engulfing me in a bone crushing hug.

“Thanks…Trevor…but…I…can’t…br-breathe.” I choked out. He let go of me grinning down at me with an apologetic smile. I turned to my other two friends and they just wrapped me up in one big group hug. “I love you guys, you’re truly the best.” My voice cracked a bit on the last word. We all groaned at the sound of the school bell.

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