Chapter 8 part 2

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*Happy dance*  I had so much fun writing this part i hope you guys enjoy it :) ps. sorry for spelling and grammar errors.

Chapter 8 part 2

We were all standing in the parking lot after the boys practice trying to decide on where we should meet. Noel and Trevor said they would just meet us there at the restaurant so that left me giving Chad a ride there.

“We’ll see you guys there then.” Noel and Trevor called as they headed to his motorcycle. Chad cleared his throat. I raised an eyebrow at him. “Something you need to say?” I asked.

“Uh yeah, do you think I could get a ride home? My ride this morning has clearly left already.” He gave me a pleading look.

“Yeah sure,” I headed over to my car and he followed. I watched his face strike up in awe when we got in the car.

“Your car is freaking awesome.” He so sounded like a dude. I laughed and rubbed the dashboard. “Yup Angel is awesome.” Chad gave me a weird look.

“What?” I asked. “Nothing, it’s just ironic you named it Angel. Seeing as Angel’s is like the color white meaning pure and goodness when black is the total opposite. But I like the name.” He gave me a smile. I returned the smile.

“Buckle up cowboy and get ready for the ride.” I told him as shift the car into gear and drove out of the parking lot like lightening.

We got to his house in record time; we planned that I would come back to pick him up in exactly two hours. He waved goodbye from the porch before I pulled off.  

As soon as I got home I raised upstairs shooting my dad a quick hello. I kicked off my shoes and started stripping off my clothes, when I got to my room. I had exactly an hour and forty minutes to get ready. I hurried to the bathroom to take a quick shower. That quick shower turned out to be longer than I thought since I ended up washing my hair.

I opened the bathroom door and saw all the steam escape out into my room. I walked over to my walk-in closet to which was next to the bathroom. I glanced at the wall clock over my bed it read 5:45; good I was making good timing. I walked into the closet and just stood there staring at my clothes.

I seriously had no clue what to wear tonight for dinner, I mean I was just going with friends, but I was also going with guys. Well Trevor is like a brother to me, so I don’t think he really cares about what I wear. I wanted to look nice but casual as well, for some reason I wanted to look pretty for Chad.

That’s because you’re starting to like him, my subconscious chimed. I frowned to myself at the thought. I face palmed myself for forgetting that I had just went to the mall with the girls. The clothes were in the back of the closet seeing that I still haven’t put them away yet.

I rifled through the bags for awhile, I smiled once I found what I was looking for.

I was sitting in front of my vanity mirror in my bathroom putting the last finishing touches to my make up. “Well don’t you look beautiful,” I turned to see my dad leaning against the bathroom door. “Thanks dad,” I said giving him a smile. I switched off the vanity mirrors lights and headed out the bathroom with my dad following along.

“Can you help me with this?” I had grabbed my gold charm bracelet off the bed and held it out to him. “Sure sweetie.” He came to stand in front of me and helped place the bracelet on me.

“So where are you off to this evening?” he asked, taking a seat on my bed watching me as I went to go stand in front of my full body length mirror. I gave out a little chuckle, “I actually have no idea. It’s some new restaurant over in the next town. Noel and Trevor wanted to check it out and they invited me to come but at first I didn’t want to go, not wanting to be a third wheel, but Noel said Chad was coming too; so I agreed.” I saw my dad through the mirror shaking his head and had a knowing smile on his face.

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