Chapter 16

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Here is the uplopad that I promised Friday, I am so sorry things got hectic this weekend plus my bestfriend was over so my thoughts were far away from the story.  So here is the story enjoy. 

p.s. sorry for any grammar mistakes & spelling errors


It was Saturday the day of the winter ball and I was sitting in the den in my fluffy frog pajamas watching a movie with my dad, Zach, Aunt Marie, and Uncle Danny. I knew I would have to be getting ready for the girls arrival soon; once they got here everything in my room would turn in to total chaos.

The door bell suddenly rang; no one made any sign of going to answer the door. I sighed, unfolding my legs out from under me and got up to answer the door. On the other side of the door, Noel stood dressed in some sweatpants and a tank. She had her dress draped over her arm while she held this huge duffel bag.

“What’s in the bag?” I asked, stepping aside to let her in. She walked on in, bringing a cool breeze with her.

“Just some hair and make-up items.” She shrugged, heading towards the stairs. “Where is everyone?” I pointed down towards the den. Noel walked down to the den, with me following along. “Hi everyone,” she greeted as she came in the room.

Everyone looked up from the television to smile at her. “Hello,” they responded. Zach’s eyes bugged out once he got a look at the duffel bag Noel was carrying.

“What’s in that thing? Looks like you can fit a whole body in there.” He pointed at it.

Noel smiled, “Girl stuff that you wouldn’t know anything about.” She told him.

“Well I think we should head on up to my room.” I suggested. Noel nodded in agreement and followed me out the den up to my room. “I still have to shower,” I told her walking in my room. She gave me glare.

“Well go shower missy; you only got ten minutes, starting now.” She looked down at her watch then back up at me. “Go, shower!” She yelled. I nodded and then raced off to my bathroom to shower.

Eve and Roxanne were in my room setting things up on my vintage mirror. My poor vintage mirror was covered with everything you could think of, hair curlers, make-up, hair spray, and jewelry. “Wow, that’s a lot of stuff don’t you think?” I walked over to my vintage mirror nudging the girls out of the way, so I could get to my underwear. I slipped on some lacey crème underwear, but couldn’t seem to find the matching bra.

For now I just put on a robe. “Alright, so who’s going to do me up?” I asked taking a seat at the corner of my bed. All three girls gasped and wide grins lit up their faces.

“Noel how about you?” I suggested. Her whole face lit up, but she nodded trying to keep her cool. I just rolled my eyes playful and laughed at her.  Roxanne used my bathroom to shower, so I showed Eve to the bathroom down the hall.

“Come sit down Abby, I just got this great idea for your hair.” Noel did a little skip in place as she stood next the vintage mirror smiling her butt off, I shook my head continuing coming up the stairs.

“What are you going to do to it?” I asked, taking a seat in front of the vintage mirror. Noel didn’t answer me, she just smiled widely. I raised an eyebrow at her. When she finished with my hair she moved on to my make-up, even though Noel had no clue of what I was wearing. Eve and Roxanne were back in the room, by now working on each other’s hair and make-up.

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