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So sorry I haven't updated the epilogue. I grew sick for awhile and have been missing a whole lot of school, so I've been trying to catch up in school work. I finally got the chance to sit down and write this for you guys. Hope you enjoy :)

It had been a week since Chad stood on my front lawn and sang to me, and a week since we got back together. Everyone knew about us being together -well not everyone. My dad and Zachary still had no clue we were back together. I was sure that the both of them would literally kill Chad. So keeping my relationship a secret for only just one week was hard. I was standing in the student parking lot with Eve, Roxanne, Noel, Trevor and Chad trying to figure out how I was going to tell my dad and practically brother about my relationship.

"You can do it in a calm and rational way, like while you guys are watching television." Roxanne suggested. I just shook my head. "That's not going to work, because Chad here," I jabbed him in the stomach with elbow, making him groan. "What's to be there when I- I mean when 'we' tell them."

Everyone let out a frustrated sigh. After standing there for countless minutes I finally give up. "You know what screw it we're going to tell them today." Chad chokes on air at my sudden decision, the girls look shocked and Trevor gives me a look of confidence.

"All we can say is good luck, especially you Chad, you're going to need it." Noel spoke for all of my shell shocked friends. I nod giving them all hugs before getting in my car with Chad.

The drive to my house was filled with silence. I would glance over at Chad every few seconds just to check to make sure he was still breathing. Chad sat there in the passenger seat in a daze. I couldn't blame him for being this way, I practically signed him off to die. Few minutes later we pull up in my driveway and to our luck today Zach was here too. Well it was a good thing I wouldn't have to call him over.

"Ready?" I spoke after the long drive of silence. He turns to look at me and nods. Chad was trying to be brave but I knew that deep down he was terrified of what was going to happen. I grabbed his hand giving it a gentle squeeze before getting out the car. We enter through the house from the garage hand in hand. "Hey I'm home!" I call out as I push open the garage door to the kitchen. "Over in the den!" I hear my dads voice call out.

We slowly make our way to the den; once we get close to the doorway I have Chad wait a few feet away so my dad and Zach don't see him. "Hey guys you busy? I got to talk to you for a second." Zach switches off the television and turns in his seat to face me. "Hey Bonnie what's up" (reminder Bonnie is the nickname he calls her) I took a deep breath and tried to speak but no words came out. I cleared my throat with the two of them sitting patiently waiting for me to speak.

"Uh...well...you see...the thing is...umm...I-

"What she's trying to say is that we're back together." Chad suddenly said grabbing my hand for support. My dad and Zach both stood up at the sight of Chad.

"Was my beating not a good enough warning for you to stay away from my Bonnie." Zach was clenching and unclenching his fist. Oh thats definitely not a good sign. "No I don't approve of this at all!" my father yelled.

"It doesn't matter what you do or say, I can't help but love your daughter and your sister." Chad looked between the both of them, but it seemed Zach and my dad were not up for forgiving. Zach stalked over towards us. Chad pushed me behind him. "No this is not going to turn into a fight! Zach I love you like a brother but what's done is done you can't change it." I explained, while easing myself in between the two boys. Zach shook his head. I knew there was no reasoning with Zach. I sighed. Chad must've seen it coming because I sure as heck didn't. Chad shoved me out of the way just before Zach got ready to deliver a right hook towards Chads face. "NO!!!!!" I screamed. My father came to where I lay on the floor and grabbed me up by my arm and began shaking me.

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